Throughout the day a person allocatesapproximately 1700-2000 grams of urine. This is about 75% of the fluid taken by them during this day. The frequency of normal urination is 3 to 7 times a day. But it happens that this process is violated. About what can be the causes of frequent urination, our article will tell.

Most people sleep 6 to 8 hours and notwake up because of urge to urinate. Other people are waking up because of this. The need for urination at night calls night polyuria or nicture. It happens in both women and men.


Polyuria is when urge to urinateare more frequent than normal and are accompanied by discomfort of the bladder. In this case, you need to identify its causes, since chronic polyuria can be a symptom of various diseases.

Do not confuse urinary incontinence (consequenceinvoluntary bladder work) with frequent urination. But, nevertheless, urinary incontinence can also be the cause of this illness or both of these disorders can be concurrent.

To determine how serious the symptoms are whenurination, it is necessary to assess how much they affect the quality of life. Frequent urination in women whose causes are no less severe than in men, may also be a symptom of other diseases. For example, such a cause may be a kidney infection that can get into the blood and become life threatening or disable the kidneys. If frequent urination is accompanied by symptoms: backache, chills, thirst, vomiting, fatigue, increased appetite, secretions from the genitals, muddy urine or causes severe discomfort, you should immediately seek medical help. Also polyuria can be a symptom of disorders and diseases of both a psychological and a physical nature.

It should be remembered that if the causes of frequent urge to urinate are unknown to you, and this is a long-term disorder, this can mean the presence of some serious disease.

Also cause of polyuria may be diureticsagents (diuretics). Consuming a lot of fluids at night, especially one that contains alcohol or caffeine, can also be the cause of frequent nighttime urination. Frequent urination in men whose causes are also well known, it is urgent to treat also that in the future to avoid problems with the reproductive system. Sometimes polyuria is just an individual feature of a person.

Common causes of the disease

The most common causes of polyuria are diabetes, prostate disease and pregnancy.

There are two main causes of frequent urination -these are diseases such as hyperactive bladder and interstitial cystitis. Fortunately, both of them are treated. The main thing is to recognize the symptoms in time and immediately seek medical help. In both cases, frequent urination occurs both at night and in the daytime. Also in both cases there are sudden, acute or urgent urges. Symptoms of these diseases are:

    • Hyperactive bladder. With this disease, no pain is observed. There may be leakage of urine, because patients, when they feel a sudden sharp urge to urinate, do not always manage to reach the toilet in time. Some patients specifically go to the toilet more often than necessary in order to avoid such embarrassing situations.
    • Interstitial cystitis. This disease is characterized by pain in the bladder and in its area. These painful sensations increase as the bladder decreases during emptying and how it fills. To achieve relief for a while, patients with severe form of this disease who do not receive the necessary treatment can go to the toilet up to 70 times a day.

    Other causes of frequent deurinations

          • Congestive heart failure;
          • Diabetes;
          • Diabetes is non-sugar;
          • Anxiety;
          • Medical preparations;
          • Stroke or any other disorders in the nervous system;
          • Prostatitis;
          • Tumor in the pelvic region;
          • Urinary incontinence;
          • Cancer of the bladder;
          • Stones in the bladder;
          • Diseases of the urinary tract;
          • Dysfunction of the bladder;
          • Diverticulitis.

    Now you know what causes frequent urination.

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