The computer is an indispensable part of modern life; However, like any technical equipment, it can fail. One of the most common problems is the inability to connect a USB device.

Let's talk in more detail about why the computer does not see USB and how to solve this problem.

Why the computer does not see the USB: causes

USB is a serial transmission interfaceData for digital devices of different speeds in engineering. Theoretically, when working with a serial bus there are no problems, but the practice shows that the user can face a number of difficulties when connecting USB. Usually in this case, "USB-device is not recognized" appears on the screen. Let us consider the main causes of the problem and the solution.

Device malfunction

First of all, the device may befaulty. In this case, it will not be possible to achieve the well-coordinated operation of the system, since the computer can not find the USB. It happens that the device itself is in working order, but as a result of breaking one of the internal wires the cable proves to be functionally unsuitable.

Device incompatibility

Incompatible device with accessoriesThe computer may become another cause of a USB failure. If the controller burns or USB-port is burned, there is no need to talk about device recognition by the computer.

Failures in the operating system

Finally, the reason, which can also entailthe impossibility to use USB, lies in the failure of the operating system. As a rule, this is the most difficult problem, since it concerns the functioning of the entire computer. Failures of the "operating system" can be associated with virus attacks, processor overheating, problems in the operation of the hard disk, memory, BIOS, drivers, etc.

How to solve the problem of connecting a USB device?

First of all, it is necessary to check whichstate is the device itself. If it connects to another computer, then its serviceability can not be doubted. If it does not work, it will have to be replaced.

If the device is working properly, it makes sense to work withBIOS. To do this, press the Del or F2 key while the computer is loading, find the USB configuration, and then select the sections associated with this program. By replacing the USB -2.0 Controller with Disabled, you can check the USB device. If the problem is solved, you can finally breathe peacefully, but if not, you will have to eliminate other causes.

Reinstalling the operating system is a radical solution, which in some cases can also help.

USB hub in solving the problem

Sometimes a USB hub comes to the rescue. This is a small and inexpensive device that has several USB-ports, one of which can be connected to a computer. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to use more USB devices, which makes it easier to work with digital equipment.

Trying to eliminate the problem related to the fact thatthe computer can not detect the presence of USB, remember that you need to understand well what exactly you are doing. The slightest inaccuracy can lead to the breakdown of the computer in general, so if you are not too versed in technology, it is better to entrust this to a specialist.

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