Probably, every person at least once in his life felt that all the objects around him suddenly came to spin. In this case, often a cold sweat and a feeling of anxiety.

What if I feel dizzy? There are certain rules, compliance with which will help you prevent a possible fall, as well as shorten the duration of a dizziness attack.

What to do if you feel dizzy: rules of conduct

  1. When you get dizzy, do not panic. In order to prevent a possible drop, it is necessary to lie down or sit down. If this is not possible, then lean on any support (wall, tree, handrail).
  2. If dizziness occurs as a result ofmotion sickness, it is recommended to close your eyes. In other cases, try to hold your gaze on any fixed object until dizziness goes away.
  3. Avoid sharp turns of the head; they increase dizziness.
  4. If possible, measure blood pressure. At low pressure, drink strong coffee or a tablet of caffeine. At high pressure and dizziness, you should call an ambulance.

Dizziness and nourishment

If you often have seizuresdizziness, then you should pay special attention to how you eat. For proper activity of the vestibular apparatus, phosphorus is required. Therefore, if you often get dizzy, then include eggs, fish, walnuts, peas, almonds, cucumbers and radish in your diet.

People with frequent dizziness are recommendedlimit salt intake. This is due to the fact that salt leads to a delay in the human body water. The swelling in turn violates the functions of the vestibular apparatus located in the cavity of the inner ear.

With frequent dizziness, it is desirable to refusefrom coffee, strong tea and smoking. If you have low blood pressure and you can not do without coffee, then at least limit its consumption to a couple of cups a day.

For people suffering from frequent dizzinesscategorically it is contraindicated reception of alcoholic drinks. Even small doses of alcohol in sensitive people can provoke strong and prolonged dizziness.

The head turns: folk medicine

Traditional medicine recommends the following recipes, helping to reduce the frequency of attacks of dizziness:

  1. Daily, take a teaspoon of sea kale powder before dinner.
  2. Prepare the tincture of clover meadow. To do this, take two tablespoons (top) of the clover inflorescence and fill them with half a liter of vodka. A week later tincture. Take a teaspoon daily before meals. The course of treatment is a month. After this, you can take a break for ten days and continue the treatment again.


Still think what to do if you feel dizzy? Certainly to pass or take place inspection!

If you have dizziness attacks withoutvisible cause, are persistent in nature and strongly pronounced, then you must always seek medical help. Especially dangerous if dizziness is combined with sudden loss of hearing, visual impairment and severe headache. In these cases, you need to immediately call an ambulance.

A survey of people suffering from dizziness,jointly conducted by a neurologist and otolaryngologist. ENT - doctors conduct special diagnostic tests that allow you to evaluate the functions of the vestibular apparatus. The neuropathologist conducts a standard neurological examination. If necessary, the doctor can prescribe a computer or magnetic resonance imaging of the head and cervical spine. In some cases it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist. Conducting a comprehensive survey can reveal the exact cause of dizziness, and, consequently, prescribe an effective treatment of this pathology.

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