What is paresthesia, I found out on myself, probably,everyone - just a person does not even suspect that this state has such a name. In the people it is characterized aptly: "goose bumps on the body." Another manifestation is a temporary numbness of one of the limbs (or parts thereof) or a part of the body.

More rarely paresthesia manifests itselfpainful touch, and numbness of the calf muscles may be accompanied by convulsions. Most often, a person does not even pay much attention to these symptoms - they say, lay his arm (leg). However, with frequent manifestations of paresthesia, it would be nice to see a doctor, just in case.

Causes of Paresthesia

The most common factor causingnumbness - an osteochondrosis, and, a cervical department. A little less often paresthesia appears as a result of the intervertebral hernia. Often, "creepy" in the cores - due to inadequate oxygen supply. More serious causes are diabetes, strokes and tumors of both the spine and the brain. Of the relatively "harmless" provoking paresthesia factors can be mentioned long-term stress. And very often such a syndrome is observed after excessive or prolonged alcoholic libations.

Treatment of paresthesia

Since paresthesia usually accompanies otherdiseases, the main emphasis is on treating the underlying. To restore the sensitivity of the skin, massage, electrophoresis, exercise therapy and acupuncture are used. In parallel, the doctor prescribes drugs that reduce the viscosity of the blood, and drugs that stimulate blood circulation.

More information about diseases and their treatment can be found in the section Health.

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