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How to draw flowers in pencil?

Flowers are a beautiful image of spring, youth andbeauty. Artists often depict different flowers in their paintings. Do you want to learn how to draw beautiful flowers? Let's find out how to draw flowers in pencil.

First, let's try to draw flowers easier.

Drawing poppies


  • Paper;
  • Pencil;
  • Eraser.

Stages of drawing:

  1. First draw small circles -
    this is the middle. And around the middle draw ovals - it will be petals. Ovals have at different levels - one flower above, two others - lower.
  2. Next, we divide the oval into four parts and arrangepetals. For this, we make very small denticles on one side of each petal. In one flower, you can slightly wrap the petal, that is, draw a slightly curved line towards the middle.
  3. Now draw the stems and sheets. The leaves must be stretched and jagged on one side.

Now you know how to draw a bouquet of poppies in pencil.

And now we will draw more complex flowers - narcissuses.

Drawing daffodils


  • Pencil;
  • Paper;
    Drawing daffodils
  • Eraser.

Stages of drawing:

  1. First of all, we draw three ovals on different levels.
  2. Then draw a flower bowl. To do this, draw a letter U and a small wavy oval on top of this letter.
  3. Now, in place of large ovals, we draw with the help of curved lines of petals.
  4. Then draw the stems and thin narrow leaves. The leaves must be above our flowers.
  5. It remains to draw two small drops in each bowl of the flower and erase the extra lines.

The daffodils are ready.

And now we learn how to draw a very complex flower - a rose.

Drawing a rose


  • Paper;
  • Pencil;
  • Eraser.

Stages of drawing:

  1. First we draw a half-oval. Then it should be divided into two parts - this
    Drawing a rose
    there will be two petals.
  2. Now, on top of the two petals, draw a wavy line, that is, we slightly wrapped the petals. And then draw another one wavy line parallel to the first two. We have two beautiful petals.
  3. Then on the left we draw a small wavy line - this is another petal, but it is almost invisible.
  4. Further on the right and left above from the petals we draw, we draw still wavy lines wrapped inwards.
  5. Inside we draw a bud, too, with wavy lines. And now we draw a lot of wavy lines on top of the bud, and also on the left and right. These are petals, which are not very visible to us.
  6. Then decorate the bud - draw a lot of semicircles inside the bud.
  7. Now draw the stem and the pointed leaves.

So, you learned how to beautifully draw flowers in pencil.

If you want to learn more about drawing flowers, read the article How to learn to draw flowers in pencil.

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