In healthy people, the blood sugar level keepsat a certain level. Increased sugar levels are observed in diabetes mellitus. This disease is quite common. And for sick people it is vital to know how to lower blood sugar. A high level of sugar leads to the development of numerous complications of the disease, up to a coma.

How to lower blood sugar

Treatment of diabetes is prescribed onlydoctor depending on the type of disease. At the first type of diabetes, the pancreas of patients ceases to produce insulin (a hormone regulating the sugar content in the blood). In this case, the doctor prescribes replacement insulin therapy.

Much more common is the second type of sugardiabetes. In this case, the increase in the level of sugar is due to the insensitivity (resistance) of tissues to insulin. In this case, in order to lower blood sugar, the doctor prescribes medications that inhibit the formation of glycogen from glucose.

Once again I would like to emphasize thatmedicamental treatment of diabetes mellitus can be prescribed only by an endocrinologist, and self-treatment here is unacceptable! However, in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, diet, phytotherapy and a healthy lifestyle play a big role in addition to drugs. Let's talk about this in more detail.

How to lower the sugar level: diet

Properly organized nutrition of patients with diabetes mellitus can help lower blood sugar levels and thereby reduce the dosage of hypoglycemic (sugar-lowering) medications.

Patients with diabetes should seekUse in their food products that have a low glycemic index, i.e. products that, after ingestion, do not lead to a sharp increase in blood sugar. To compile their menu, patients with diabetes should use special tables of glycemic index products.

In addition, in the diet of patients with diabetes mellitusshould include products that stabilize blood sugar levels. By regularly eating such foods, people with diabetes can avoid the sudden increase in blood sugar levels after eating.

The diet of patients with diabetes must necessarily include apples, beans (especially soy and lentils) and cinnamon.

Cinnamon has a unique stabilizingexposure to blood sugar. Even after a single intake of cinnamon, it lasts about three weeks. Cinnamon should be taken once a day for a quarter teaspoon of powder, washed down with warm tea.

How to lower sugar by folk remedies

There are many recipes of folk medicine for the treatment of diabetes. Many of them can really lower blood sugar. Let's talk about several such recipes:

  1. Mix oats grass, bean leaves and leafblueberries, taking everything in equal numbers. To make a tasty infusion of a tablespoon of the mixture and pour boiling water (one glass). Insist five minutes, then strain. Bring the volume of the infusion to a full glass with boiled water. Infusion take a third of a glass for half an hour before meals.
  2. Pour a glass of oat grains with six glasseshot water and simmer on very low heat for about an hour. The resulting broth strain and bring boiled water to a volume of one and a half liters. Drink the resulting broth at any time of the day without restrictions. Broth stored in the refrigerator, tk. in the heat, he quickly turns sour.

How to lower sugar fast

It is enough to achieve normalization of blood sugar level if, in addition to the treatment prescribed by a doctor, start eating Jerusalem artichoke (ground pear).

Jerusalem artichoke is rich in cellulose and inulin. As shown by numerous studies, these substances are able to absorb (absorb) glucose in the digestive tract, which prevents its further absorption into the blood. As a result, after eating in the blood of patients, there is no sharp increase in sugar.

In addition, inulin promotes the elimination of under-oxidized metabolic products from the body of patients with diabetes mellitus (acetone, ketone bodies).

From Jerusalem artichoke it is possible to prepare a lot of very tasty and healthy dishes.

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