Probably not only sweet tooth wondered: "What is useful for sugar?". In this article we will try to understand this.

What does sugar consist of?

In the composition of white sugar are such elements,as calcium, sodium, potassium, iron and vitamin B. And the composition of brown sugar is rich, in addition to the listed substances, also magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and vitamin C.

The Benefits of Sugar

Of great importance is that the amount of sugar in our blood should always be at a certain level.

Sugar is the energy supplier for everything.organism. Therefore, it will be more useful to eat fruits, vegetables and nuts. Natural sugar, which is part of these products, is indispensable. In addition, it is converted into glucose and easily absorbed by the body.

Industrial sugar also has its advantages. It helps the work of the spleen and liver, and also stimulates blood circulation in the brain.

In addition, eating something sweet in a bad mood, the pancreas produces insulin, which leads to the release of the hormone of happiness - serotonin.

Sugar in folk medicine

Sugar is widely used in folk medicine.

For example, sugar can cure a cough. To do this, melt 2 tablespoons of sugar in a frying pan, then pour 1/3 cup of hot water. Take during a fit of coughing for 1 teaspoon, and also at night. The daily norm is 4-5 spoons.

Sugar in Cosmetology

  • Body Scrub. Add sugar to the shower gel and you will get a massaging and exfoliating remedy. In addition to silkiness to give the skin more and flavor, add to the gel brown cane sugar.
  • Body lotion. If you have very dry skin, then apply on it a mixture of powdered sugar and olive oil for 15 minutes. Rinse with water.

About the product itself you can read in the article What is sugar.

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