All people want to feel needed. Life acquires meaning and significance when someone feels the need for your presence, in something that only you and no one else can give.

The right one means beloved

So what does it mean to be necessary? Ushakov's dictionary gives an idea of ​​the concept "necessary". Here it is interpreted as "necessary". To become necessary to someone means to become its missing part, so to speak, the continuation, the energy recharging. With such a relationship between a man and a woman, a fusion of souls or a kind of dependence is born. At the same time, the absence of the "necessary" component brings tangible mental pain. A person will be able to adapt to any living conditions. However, life under these new circumstances will be completely different. The pain of loss can eventually become dull, and can never leave a person who has lost another, close and necessary person to him. For example, after losing a part of the body, the individual will survive and adapt, learn how to manage this way, or replace the prosthesis with a "loss", but never again become the same.

It turns out, to be necessary for someone - it's verya lot of. And this is important. If a person close to you says that you need him, it can mean that his feelings for you can be even stronger than love. But it does not always happen.

Necessary - means useful

In the mouths of other men, "necessity" may soundand as "usefulness." Then utility means the satisfaction of needs, or the fulfillment of requests for the consumption of certain goods and the use of services. In this perspective, the saying: "I need you" sounds no longer so pleasant and bears the imprint of selfish use of all those benefits that a woman's presence in the house can carry with her. Pleasant company, delicious dinner, ironed shirts and clean socks. In this case, about love, there is no question.

It's good to be needed

In many ways, the meaning of the phrase "I need you" depends onthe context and the feeling with which it is pronounced: to be in demand, to be of use, to give what is so necessary to man right now, to be loved and necessary as air ... there can be many interpretations. But, no doubt, in our disconnected time, when everyone is just busy with themselves, "to be needed" to someone or to show that someone needs you is very important, and you should not neglect it.

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