Due to the fact that Minecraft is a game withopen world, sometimes there is a need to close your territory from other players. In this article, we'll look at how to disable PvP (Player vs Player) in your region.

First of all, your territory must have a name. To do this, open the game console with the Ё (tilde ~) key. And register the team:

  • / region claim "name of the region" - it will save the selected territory with the desired name.

Next, to disable pvp in the region, you need to type:

  • / region flag "name of the region" pvp deny

This command stands for "set the pvp flag in the off state in the state".

Also, the flag can take other values:

  • allow - enabled
  • deny - disabled
  • none - the same flag as not in the private zone

Please note that the commands work in multiplayer and only the Server Administrator can prescribe them.

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