Bro is a borrowing from the English language. The abbreviated form of bro comes from the word brother, which means brother. So, the question of what the word bro means, you can answer - brother, brother.

But to know the meaning of the word is not enough, it is also necessaryto know in what context it is appropriate to use it. A person turns to another bro, if he is on friendly terms with him, treats him kindly and kindly as to his brother, but also if they are unfamiliar people, but treat each other positively.

Examples of use: "Well done, bro!", "Everything, from now on you are my bro."

There is also a large number of pictures from the "bro - ne bro" series, in this context this word means that an object is good and useful, and not a bro - something alien, bad and unpleasant.

Example: Santa Claus is a bro, and Santa Claus is not a bro.

And what does "Ziga, bro?" Mean? Phrase, also often found in the communication of young people. Ziga is a greeting gesture of the fascists, thus the phrase "Ziga, bro" can be translated as "Hello, bro". The word ridge has lost its direct meaning, so if a person uses it in a speech, this does not mean that he adheres to fascist trends.

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