Many esotericists, as well as scientists,that a person can receive information about the outside world bypassing the visual analyzer. In other words, any person can learn to see objects with closed eyes. Ancient yogis talked about the existence of a third eye, which is slightly above the center between the eyebrows. In Hindu teaching, the third eye, or the Ajna chakra, was responsible for the development of clairvoyance and other paranormal abilities. Today, this topic has not lost its relevance, and many people want to learn how to see with their eyes closed.

How to learn to see with closed eyes

Some researchers in this field are sure,that all people have the ability to see with closed gal, but this skill is in its infancy. Russian scientist Vyacheslav Bronnikov achieved great success in the study of the "direct vision" method. His disciples can read blindfolded and see through the walls. You can also study the "alternative vision method" in V. Bronnikov's school. The scientist claims that any person can open the third eye. Want to learn how to learn to see with your eyes closed? Then read on.

Discovery of the Ajna Chakra

First of all, it must be understood that the third eye is in the middle of the forehead, just above the middle line of the eyebrows. It is to this point that all your mental energy must be directed during meditation.

  • Chakra can be opened during meditation. Choose a time when no one will distract you. Sit in a quiet place, do not necessarily sit in the lotus position, you can just take a comfortable position sitting. You can include music for relaxation or Indian mantras. Close your eyes, relax, forget about problems, worries and fears. Concentrate on your feelings. Watch your breathing: make deep, slow exhalations and breathing. When you feel that the mind is free from negative emotions, go to work with the chakra;
  • Focus on the area of ​​the third eye. Chakras Ajna visualize by tradition in blue. Imagine a blue ball that moves clockwise in the area of ​​our chakra. At first it will be difficult for you to hold your attention for at least 3 minutes, but gradually you will be able to concentrate on the chakra for 20-30 minutes. Training should be done daily;
  • When you reach a high level of concentration oncharke, and practice enough time, perform such an exercise: during meditation with your eyes closed, touch your index finger to the point of the Ajna chakka. Slightly press a finger on this point, as if you want to open your eyes;
  • The next step will be direct practicevisions with closed eyes: start to distinguish objects by color, then form. After you start to study distant objects or objects that are behind any obstacle.

Now you have the answer to the question: how to see with your eyes closed. At least you can already make your first steps in this field. Good luck!

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