Every animal on earth to some extenthas the opportunity to see, because everyone has eyes. But we all see in different ways: owls are blind in the daytime and only in the dark see, cats do not see only a few color scales, and in general almost all animals do not distinguish colors. Colors distinguish man and some kinds of monkeys. But what allows us to see this whole beautiful world? What is vision?

"See", in fact, our brain, more accuratelya certain zone of the brain, which is responsible for the vision. I say this because the eyes are a tool that is designed to perceive and send information about it to the brain, where the perceived by the eyes is processed and arises as a complete picture. And all this happens in one rapid moment, to what the system of vision in general at animals and especially at the person is perfect.

The importance of brain processing of received imagesis very important, since the brain receives raw material, which it also processes with the help of the subconscious and provides the final result. But if the involvement of the subconscious is inadequate - excessively or insufficiently - then an optical illusion arises.

The visual apparatus consists of: eye (in them already - the lens, retina, accessory muscles, lacrimal glands, eyelids), chiasmus, optic nerves, visual tract, lateral cranial body of the intermediate brain, visual radiation and visual cortex. The interaction of all these components carries out the perception of the light reflected from the object (spectrum) and processing it until a full-scale image is obtained.

That is, the particles in the eye are irritated by the spectra of light of different length and brightness, which allows us to see, and the cones and sticks process the light so that they allow us to see the colors.

After all, when light falls into our eyes, we see nothing but a white spot, this is because all receptors are irritated equally and perception suffers.

Now you know what vision is. Take care of it!

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