The ruminant king is an inoffensive entity thatas a rule, children. The goal they pursue is to get a large portion of ruminant gum. Calling such a king is simple enough, it only requires a special ritual. But notice that you can not do it in the daytime, for this you need to wait until late at night, and then begin to act.

Ways to call a ruminant king

Call the king of chewing gum in three ways:

  1. Wait for midnight, and then take a thin threadand pull between the legs of your bed. Throw a few chewing gum under it. Then say the following phrase 4 times in a row: "The ruminant king come to me!", Then go to bed. The next morning you will see that under the bed is a huge amount of chewing gum.
  2. After midnight, go out on the porch, taking witha cloth, as well as one chewing gum: put it immediately on the threshold. After say the next "Ruling king, come!", And then turn to the steps with your back and wait. When you hear a rustle or other suspicious sound, turn with your eyes closed to the porch and throw a cloth on it. Under it the next morning you will find a huge amount of chewing gum.
  3. Take a sheet of paper and draw gum on it. Put the finished drawing under the pillow, say "The ruminant king come to me!" And fall asleep. In the morning you will find a present on your bed from the ruminant king.

If you want your desire to be fulfilled more quickly, then call the ruminant dwarf. The ways of summoning gnomes you will learn in the article, How to cause ruminant dwarfs.

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