Finally we were going to go to the gymHall? It is impossible not to congratulate you, because from now on you start a pleasant work on yourself, which will give excellent results. And did you think about what to go to the gym?

This is not the most important moment of the lessons, but, nevertheless, quite important. Choose clothes for the audience will help a few tips:

  • The gym is not a podium. Most people do not care what you are wearing - in expensive branded clothes or in a simple kit. Therefore, the most important thing is to wear what will be convenient, that you will not have to correct, pull up and do other distractions.
  • Clothes should be clean, because the smell of dirty clothes will feel and others, and it is very, very unpleasant.
  • With the right lessons, it will be hot, but it doesdoes not mean that you need to come to the hall in a half-naked form - the skin contact with the simulators, on which before a lot of people were engaged, will not finish it to the good. It is better to choose clothes from special fabrics for sports, which will regulate heat exchange.
  • Clothes should be in size. In the small it will be simply inconvenient, and the big one can catch on the simulator - and this can be dangerous.

It is worth mentioning separately what to put ongym for women, because they are more concerned about their appearance. And it is this that leads to the fact that many girls dress absolutely inappropriately.

First of all, it is necessary to understand that allmake-up and beautiful hairstyles after 10 minutes, alas, but spoil, and used perfume because of the smell of sweat can get quite unpleasant to the surrounding scent.

As for clothes, it is completely unacceptabledress to distract the whole male part of the room - a short topic, similar to underwear and shorts that cover the floor of priests, it is better to replace the sports pants and a closed T-shirt.

What you now know about going to the gym - you just have to get up and go to work!

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