A pregnant woman can not stay in the sun for a long time, sunbathe. And whether it is possible for pregnant women to sunbathe in a sun deck?

First, I will answer you to the question: why can not I stay in the sun for a long time?

At first, the body of a pregnant woman is changinghormonal background. So, under the influence of sunlight (ultraviolet), pigment spots can appear on the skin. These spots either disappear after childbirth, or remain for life.

Secondly, being in the sun, the temperature of the internal organs and the temperature of the fetus increase. If the fetus is in this state for a long time, it can cause brain damage.

Thirdly, some scientists see the interrelation of the developmental disorders of the nervous system of the unborn child and the exposure of the mother to the mother's ultraviolet radiation.

Can I go to a solarium for pregnant women

Influence of tanning in a solarium on an organism of the pregnant womannot studied. Doctors advise to refrain from artificial sunburn. Tanning in a tanning salon, a woman and her future child are exposed to the same risk. Due to changes in the hormonal background, pigment spots may appear under the influence of tanning lamps. In addition, during pregnancy, the woman's skin becomes more sensitive to external factors. There is a big risk of scorching.

Contact your gynecologist whoobserves, and ask him, can I go to a solarium during pregnancy? Of course, everyone has their own answer to this question. And the claim that vitamin D is produced under the influence of ultraviolet rays, which is so necessary for an adult organism, as well as for a child, makes us wonder whether it is possible to go to a solarium during pregnancy.

Modern scientists note that the artificialtan is not so useful. It is especially not recommended to go to a solarium for pregnant women. It is worth thinking about the health of a child. Strong UV radiation can lead to various diseases. And what about sunburn during lactation? Whether it is possible to sunbathe feeding mum in a sun deck or under the sun? And read about this in another article.

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