Cookies cooked by own hands, alwaysfar surpasses the store. Back in the 70s of the last century almost in every family appeared forms in the form of two frying pans, connected and having inside the special grooves for baking cookies in the form of nuts. After a couple of years, the technical kitchen progress went even further, and in such forms it became possible to bake halves of nuts that could be stuffed with different delicacies. Nuts have not lost their popularity even now. Therefore, modern housewives in their notebooks always have a recipe for nuts with condensed milk.


To prepare shells nuts must bemelt 200 g of butter, drive 2 eggs, add? a glass of granulated sugar. Then you need to put out half a teaspoon of baking soda with one tablespoon of 9% vinegar, all this into a prepared mixture. Then in the last place you must pour 3 cups of flour into the bowl. All the well mix, give a stand for 15-20 minutes, and you can bake peanuts with condensed milk. The recipe, of course, will be incomplete unless you tell how to prepare the filling. Previously, our mothers brewed a can of regular condensed milk in a saucepan for 3 hours, resulting in a boiled condensed milk. Now you can buy it ready in any store.

Assembling Cookies

When the shells are ready, they should be neatclean off the excess around the edges. Then put a teaspoon in the shells condensed milk, then connect them two pieces each other to get whole nuts. That's the whole famous cookie recipe. Nuts with condensed milk like everyone without exception, in the condensed milk you can add anything - walnuts, berries, cereal, pieces of chocolate, both dark and white. And you can make a real nutty paste from 200 g of crushed nuts and half a can of condensed milk.

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