Chocolate sausage is one of the favorite treatsSoviet children. Those who have grown up in the country of councils, for certain will remember this taste. But those who were born later, for certain will appreciate this simple, but very interesting dish. Prepare it yourself with simple enough ingredients. The recipe for chocolate sausage is quite simple, but cooking takes time. So, if you have only one hour left before the arrival of guests, it is better to choose something different. If you are not in a hurry, we are happy to offer you several ways to prepare a sweet sausage for tea or coffee.

Recipe for chocolate sausage with biscuits

For cooking we need:

  • Cookies, such as "Jubilee" - 300 g.
  • Sugar sand - 0,5 glasses.
  • Butter - 300 g.
  • Cocoa - 5 tablespoons.
  • Nuts to taste. Fit walnuts, chopped hazelnuts, and even almonds.

In a food processor or with hands we grindbiscuit. Melting butter melted in a water bath. In the melted butter we put sugar, stir, keep on the plate until dissolved. Remove the melted sugar from the fire, add cocoa and nuts. Everything is mixed so that there are no cocoa balls. Then we pour in the cracked biscuits and mix again.

Now we put all the received mass onspread the food film, turn off the sausage and clean in the refrigerator until it freezes. Depending on the refrigerator you need from a couple of hours, up to a day.

This is not the only recipe for chocolate sausage. There are many variations. We offer one more.

Chocolate sausage with condensed milk. Recipe

Ingredients for this dish are also very simple:

  • Cookies - 300 g.
  • Butter - 100 g.
  • Cocoa - 5 tablespoons.
  • Condensed milk - 100 g.

Just like in the first recipe, we crush the cookies. In the crumb we put soft butter and cocoa. Thoroughly mix. We add the condensed milk. Again, everything is in the way to make a plastic mass. Already, according to the algorithm we know, we form a "sausage" from the mass. And we send it to the refrigerator to freeze.

As you can see, making chocolate sausage by yourselfit's quite simple. If desired, in any of these recipes you can add different spices. For example, vanilla sugar or ground cinnamon. Cookies can be replaced with whole corn sticks - it turns out a very interesting taste. Experiment: try to put in the sausage muesli or corn flakes, instead of nuts you can use sunflower seeds, and pumpkin.

Serve chocolate sausage better cut intoslices. Decorate when serving it can be whipped cream and fruit. Then the dessert, familiar from childhood, will acquire an exquisite look and even be able to decorate a festive table. For sure, such a treat will be appreciated, like little sweethearts, and their parents. It is good for tea or coffee, as well as milk or hot cocoa. Enjoy your meal!

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