The royal shrimp is a freshwater living creature,the habitat of which is the rivers of Asia. But those royal prawns, which we are accustomed to seeing on the shelves of stores, are grown on special farms. Royal prawns differ from others in the size of the head, they have more, and the meat of royal shrimp is sweeter, but its slightly smaller.

How to boil king prawns: rules

Frozen shrimps are prepared as follows: First, put a pot of water on the stove. Defrost the package with royal prawns. We wash them in water. When the water boils, add salt, bay leaf and a few peppercorns. Now we throw all the shrimp into the water. How long does it take to cook shrimp royal? It is necessary to wait until the water boils again. After that, leave them to cook for 5 minutes. Do not be surprised at how much to cook royal prawns, because you can not stay longer! It remains only to drain the water and lay the royal prawns on a large plate.

It is best to serve shrimps with sauces. Make them very simple and fast by yourself. In one bowl or vase mix mayonnaise and ketchup in a 1: 1 ratio, and in another - olive oil (half a glass), lemon juice (3 teaspoons), favorite spices to taste and finely chopped parsley.

How to boil royal prawns, you have learned, andhere you need to clean them much more carefully than the usual small shrimp. First, tear off the head, remove the shell by the tail, and then remove the top of the back of the royal shrimp, under which is the intestine, which should also be removed.

King prawns to the festive table

Now let's talk about how to boil royal shrimpsto the festive table. At the feast, the table should be beautifully served. Therefore, we will cook royal prawns for beer and serve them in an unusual way.

Defreeze 300 grams of royal shrimp, saltedthem and pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice. Now it is necessary to fry the shrimps from both sides in vegetable oil, sprinkling a little with beer. Add to the shrimp 2 cloves of extruded garlic and crumbled greens. Make the fire at the very minimum, cover the frying pan with a lid and give the shrimp a little steamed.

Put the shrimps in a semicircle on a largeflat dish, decorate with circles of tomato (3 pcs), dill and lemon slices. Next to the plate put a bowl with water and lemon to wet your hands in it.

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