Miso is a classic Japanese soup. It contains few calories, many vitamins and trace elements. A fine dietary dish. Thinking about how to prepare miso, remember that it is not difficult to cook, but the dish turns out delicious and useful. In the classical version, there is no meat, so it can be cooked during Lent. The only thing to remember when deciding to make miso, soup, whose recipe, exists in several variants, it is not recommended to store it. Soup is eaten immediately after cooking.

Soup is prepared on the broth of dasi, the maincomponents of which are small dried sardines, seaweed kombuy, dried mushrooms (shiitake). If desired, different types of fish or shrimp are added. His taste varies, depending on how the mistress decides to make the miso soup.

Miso, the so-called fermented paste, inwhich consists of soybeans, rice, barley, wheat. Pasta, too, has its own version of taste and color, for each district of Japan. Fermentation of the paste takes months, sometimes years. Light pasta can be sweet, it is with rice. Paste of red color is also suitable for soup or marinade.

Basic version of the soup recipe

  • Dry fish - to taste;
  • Miso paste - to taste;
  • Dry mushrooms - a handful;
  • Dry algae - pinch;
  • Green onion;
  • Tofu (optional);
  • Water;

Stages of preparation:

  • Boil water, pour in a dry fish, cook for 10 minutes. Try the broth so that it is not too salty.
  • Mushrooms pre-soak. Cut into strips, dip into boiling soup with algae, cook until the mushrooms are ready.
  • Paste the mixture in a small amount of broth. Add the miso paste, for the first time, in small portions, trying not to disturb the harmony of the soup.
  • Turn off the fire. Pour the paste into the soup and serve immediately. Chop the green onions and pour into plates.

Miso with squid


  • Light pasta - to taste;
  • Dry fish - to taste;
  • Squid (canned);
  • Shrimp - 5 pieces per serving;
  • One egg for 4-5 servings;
  • Dry seaweed;
  • Water;

Stages of preparation:

  • In boiling water add dry fish, cook for 10 minutes, try.
  • Add algae.
  • When seaweed is cooked. Beat the egg and pour it in, stirring.
  • Dilute the pasta in a bowl of broth, pour into the soup taken off the fire;
  • In the plates, pre-cooked or canned squid and shrimp.
  • We pour out the soup and serve it on the table.

Now you know some recipes of howcook Miso and pamper it with your family. Variants of miso soup can be different, depending on the weather and place of residence. In the winter in the cold, you can add finely chopped pork or chicken. Dry algae replaced with canned. Dry fish with a concentrate of dried broth or thawed fish. Show real creativity.

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