Earlier you could read our article on how to cook shrimp. Today we will discuss how long it will take to prepare this delicacy.

When cooking shrimp diet food is not importantturn this tender meat into rubber. Before placing crustaceans on fire, one should decide on a variety of seafood. In domestic stores you can buy Atlantic (small) and royal shrimp.

How much to cook shrimp - very relevantthe question especially with the onset of the summer season. First of all, boil the water and add it. As a spice, you can use bay leaf, cloves, dill, pepper, lemon, cloves. The Atlantic prawns are cooked for about 2 minutes, the characteristic signal of readiness will be the light transparency of the shell and the uniform pink color. After cooking, you can leave the shrimp for 15 minutes for 15 minutes.

Regarding tiger and royal shrimp (larger): you need more time, that is, 2.5 - 3 minutes. Correctly cooked shrimp "melt in the mouth."

Beginner housewives may also be interested,how much to cook shrimp frozen. Remember that frozen prawns can already be boiled or stay moist. Raw must first defrost and cook for about 10 minutes. If you have already bought boiled, but frozen prawns, then you can safely pour them into a pan and cook for about 5 minutes.

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