Ticks are blood-sucking parasites that are dangerousnot only for humans, but also for animals, particularly dogs. Their habitats are forest belts, park areas, including those located on the territory of the city. The activity of the mites reaches a peak in late spring - early summer and in the autumn until the first frosts. Clinging to the dog's wool, ticks find a convenient place and dig into the animal's skin. The substance secreted by mites in the process of feeding can contain pathogens of deadly diseases. Therefore, it is so important to know what a tick looks like and how to remove a tick from a dog.

How to remove a tick from a dog at home

In order to detect a tick in time,return from every walk of the pet should be inspected, especially carefully if the coat is thick and long. Particular attention should be paid to the ears, the base of the skull, the abdomen and thighs. Externally, the tick is like a spider with eight legs and a shell on its back. A blood-soaked parasite acquires a gray-pink color and a round shape. What to do with a tick bite.

Veterinary pharmacy sells specialmeans for removing ticks. Their action is based on overlapping the parasite for access to oxygen. A similar effect can be achieved with the help of gasoline, vodka or sunflower oil, which are always found on the farm. If the parasite does not have time to dig deep into the animal's skin, in 15-20 minutes it will weaken the grip and it will fall out of the wound itself.

If the tick was not detected in time and had timedeeply go under the skin, the above method will not help. In this case, you should try to remove the mite with a medical clip or an ordinary tweezers. Having picked up the tick, it is not necessary to pull it by force, since the spines of the proboscis are even more vopyayutsya in the body. Instead, the parasite must be "twisted" clockwise. If you do not have the right tool at hand, you can use a strong thread. From the thread you need to make a loop, fix it around the mite at its base and gently scroll.

If during the operation the mite tore off fromhead, head and proboscis must necessarily be removed from the wound to eliminate the danger of infection. It is done like extracting a splinter with a needle, the place of bite is treated with green or iodine.

Precautionary measures

  1. Do not touch the mite with your bare hands, because throughany microdamaging of the skin in the body can be caused by pathogens of a borreliosis, which is mortally dangerous for a person. Before removing, put on gloves or after removing the mite, remove it by covering with a cloth.
  2. When removing, try not to crush the tick so that the infection does not penetrate the open wound of the animal.
  3. After extracting the parasite, it is desirable to burn it, and treat the wound with an acaricidal agent.
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