Some guys and girls have complexesabout his thinness. The cause of the problem can be a genetic predisposition, bad habits, poor appetite, stress. Sometimes it is more difficult to quickly gain weight than to get rid of extra pounds.

How to gain weight to a thin person

If thinness is not associated with any diseases, a number of factors will help to gain weight.

  1. Sufficient liquid. Water is necessary for the normal functioning of every cell in the body. Therefore, it is recommended to use it not only for the purpose of losing weight, but also for weight gain. An adult should use at least 2 liters daily.
  2. Diet. An obligatory condition for recruiting body weight - the amount of calories consumed must exceed the spent ones. Therefore, it is worth reviewing your daily diet and adding to it from 500 to 1000 calories above the norm. You can calculate the daily rate by the formula: weight x 30. For example, at a weight of 60 kg, instead of the prescribed 1800 calories per day, use from 2300. At the same time, 55% of the food should be useful carbohydrates (whole wheat bread, oatmeal, potatoes, brown rice, pasta from solid varieties of wheat). Sources of calories are also useful fats (mono- and poly-saturated), which are found in olive oil, nuts, seeds, egg yolks.
  3. Physical exercise. To ensure that the calories obtained do not turn into fat deposits, but form a muscle mass, regular training is necessary. Basically, these are intensive exercises with free weight.
  4. Full sleep and rest. During sleep, the work of the nervous and cardiac systems improves, the body restores the energy spent for the day. In sleep, the growth hormone somatropin is produced, which is necessary for muscle building. The duration of sleep should be 7-8 hours a day. In this case, sleep before midnight is much more useful.

How to build muscle mass

The reason for underweight is not onlylack of fat, but also undeveloped muscles. People who want to know how to gain lean muscle mass must understand that this process will take more than one month. In addition to balanced nutrition and adequate sleep, it is impossible to do without special physical exercises for all muscle groups. Weight gain and muscle mass will also help the products of sports nutrition, which will complement the food with the necessary elements:

  • protein - a mixture that replenishes the bodynecessary to strengthen the muscles with protein. There are several types of protein mixtures: serum (taken in the morning on an empty stomach and immediately after training) and casein (used before bedtime);
  • geyner - carbohydrate-protein mixture, necessary to accelerate the gain of body mass. Experts recommend taking one serving of cocktail an hour before training, the second - immediately after it;
  • amino acids are components designed to stop the process of catabolism in muscles during intense training and to trigger protein synthesis after them.
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