Many people talk about the problem of overweight. However, there are those who complain that his weight is insufficient, despite normal nutrition and a successful life. The purpose of this article was to talk about the second category of people. So, how to gain weight and muscle mass correctly, that is, without harm to the body.

Gaining weight and muscles correctly

First of all, it is necessary to remember thatLack of weight can be associated with any disease. And independent measures to increase weight can exacerbate this disease. Therefore, before taking any active measures, contact a specialist doctor. He not only diagnoses your condition and identifies the causes of underweight, but also tells you how to properly dial it.

If the doctor gave "good", then you can start typingweight and muscle mass. If you really need it ... Maybe you think that the weight is not enough, when in fact everything is in order, and you do not need a set of body weight. There is a way to find out the norm of your weight with your height. There are tables of weight and height, which indicate the weight norm for each growth. Here at this link, you can find a similar tablet: Table weight.

Let's say you found that your weight is notcorresponds to your growth. The first thought in my head is "you need to eat more." Here the main thing is not to mix. It's not about the amount of food, but about food and their way of consumption.

Recommendations of doctors

The most normal number of meals is 4 or 5 times a day. The main recommendations of doctors-nutritionists on how to gain weight and muscle mass:

  • the first breakfast is a dense and very high-calorie meal, as the body needs to restore lost energy overnight.
  • the second breakfast is reinforcement before the working day.
  • lunch should be timely and fairly dense, but not denser than breakfast; must be hot dishes and soups.
  • dinner is the easiest meal; much easier than breakfast and lunch.

Doctors say that on the day you mustto use from 3000 to 3700 kcal. It is necessary to engage in sports or somehow load yourself physically. Performing basic exercises with a good coach in the gym will help to gain the desired muscle mass. Also, experts advise not to use artificial hormones of muscle growth. Such as retobolil, for example. These products are anabolic and are designed for a quick and unnatural set of muscle mass.

Remember that underweight is notonly your feature, but also it can be a disease. Therefore, first of all consult a doctor for advice. No one needs heart and kidney problems as a result of unjustified weight gain.

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