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How to gain weight quickly to a man?

Men, as a rule, tend to gain weight not foraccount for fat, but due to muscle mass. But to gain weight thin, and especially to build up muscles is not so simple. It's not for you to eat fast food and pies. The correct approach to weight gain is a medical examination (detection of contraindications to physical activity), special nutrition, adequate rest and regular exercise. To always remain in good physical shape, these rules must be observed for life.

How to gain weight quickly to a man: food

In order to build muscle, the body mustto arrive building material, and this is a protein. Eat both vegetable and animal proteins, they will help gain weight in a short time. The first include vegetables, cereals, legumes (especially good buckwheat). Animal proteins are found in eggs, meat, fish, dairy products.

One protein for weight gain is not enough for a man. In addition to the building material, the body must receive energy in order to build new cells. The source of energy is complex carbohydrates, since they are absorbed into the blood for a long time. Therefore, eat cereals (cereals, bread from rye flour), potatoes, pasta, vegetables. If your goal is muscle, not fat, then limit simple carbohydrates: sugar, ice cream, cakes, cakes, sweets, buns and so on.

Of course, we must not forget about fats. Why? To ensure proper functioning of the body, a person needs to take care of a good metabolism. And without fats and vitamins it is impossible. It should be noted that not all fats have a positive effect on the body. Consume more vegetable fats, dairy, as well as those found in marine fish. Remember that fatty meat is refractory fats that turn into "harmful" cholesterol and form plaques in blood vessels.

To summarize: in order to gain weight quickly to a man, he needs to eat more lean meats, fish, dairy products, cereals (especially buckwheat), vegetables and fruits.

How to gain weight quickly to a man: sport

Regular physical activity is mandatory forset the weight of a man. Do sports at least 3 times a week. The duration of the training should not be more than an hour. The fact is that in an hour the stores of fat begin to be burned, but you do not have enough.

To a man to gain weight quickly, you need to start playing sports, gradually increasing the load. Once you have completed the exercises for one group of muscles, have a rest for at least 1 minute.

As for nutrition after physical exertion ... There is after training it is necessary in half an hour - an hour to restore proteins and carbohydrates, spent during sports.

How to gain weight quickly to a man: a way of life

  • To gain weight quickly, a man should sleep at least 8-9 hours a day.
  • Observe the correct mode of the day: take care to go to bed at the same time.
  • Strengthened proper nutrition, training and rest will do their job - the man will gain weight quickly enough.
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