If there is a difficulty about how to call Poland, then you should remember the simple rules for accessing international communications.

The first thing to do is dial the number "8", which is the Russian code for access to long-distance communication.

Then you should wait for a long beep and dial "10" - this is the Russian code for accessing the international line.

After that, the code of the country you need is typed; for Poland it is "48", then the code of the called city, which can be found in the directory and, lastly, the seven-digit number of your subscriber.

The principle of dialing the Polish phone number looks like this: 8 (we hear a dial tone) 10 - 48 - (the code of the city you need) (******* number of the subscriber).

When calling from mobile phones, it is not necessary to dial the eight, it is enough to type the universal "+" sign instead of it, which replaces the transition of international communication in GSM phones.

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