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How to make a massage?

Massage is not only an excellent remedyrelaxation, but also help with various diseases. In ancient times, massage was used to improve the body. Of course, experts will do the best massage, but if you do not have time or extra money, you can learn how to do the massage yourself. Let's find out how to do the massage properly.

General rules

Although the techniques of massage are very many, but there are general rules that must be adhered to in any case. Otherwise, the massage will only bring harm.

Here are the rules of massage:

  • The muscles of the person to whom the massage is done should be completely relaxed.
  • It is better to perform massage on the naked body.
  • During the massage there should be no sensation of pain. If pain occurs, the force should be reduced.
  • Massage should be performed along the lymph nodes. For example, the hands are massaged from the wrist to the elbow, and the feet from the foot to the knee. And the lymph nodes themselves can not be touched.
  • Strong techniques are better to alternate with the weak. Between receptions there should be no pause. And you can repeat each appointment six or eight times.
  • During the massage you need to keep pace and rhythm. The rate can be slow (in this case it reduces the excitability of the nervous system) or fast (increases excitability).
  • Before you do the massage, ask the person to release tension and relax their body.


And now we will consider the techniques of massage. There are eight methods: stroking, kneading, vibration, shaking, squeezing, shaking, stirring and rubbing. Each of these techniques in its own way affects the skin, blood circulation, fat tissue.

  • Stroking is performed smoothly. First, it's very easy to stroke the skin, and then you need to stroke, pressing your palms slightly. Repeat stroking should be five to six times.
  • Shaking is easy. You just need to lightly shake the area of ​​massage. You can do it three or four times.
  • Squeezing. This technique is necessary to perform the side of his hand or a brush with the side of your thumb. Do it energetically. Run five to six times.
  • Kneading. To perform this method, it is necessary to grab small areas of the skin with finger bones and knead them. You have to repeat four times.
  • Vibration. This technique is performed by fingers or palm. It is necessary to fix with one hand the area of ​​massage, and the other to perform uniform oscillatory movements.
  • Motion. This technique can be active, with resistance or passive. Active movement is performed to restore muscle. Passive movement is performed when the muscles are as relaxed as possible. A movement with resistance - is overcoming the resistance provided by the masseur.
  • Rubbing should be done like this: rubbing the skin, applying force. Run four times.
  • Shaking. It is performed for the limbs. It is necessary to shake muscles with gentle rotational movements.
  • To finish massage it is necessary the same stroking, as well as in the beginning.

Sometimes after performing the massage, bruises may appear. Natural bruises after anti-cellulite massage, and with other types of massage bruises should not be.


Despite the benefits of massage, there are certain contraindications. You can not do a massage if:

  • There is irritation or damage to the skin;
  • There is fever;
  • There are any tumors;
  • There are skin diseases;
  • There are cardiovascular diseases;
  • There are problems with the veins;
  • There are bleeding or acute inflammatory processes.

And now, when we have learned the basic rules and techniques of massage, we will learn how to properly do back massage and foot massage.

Back massage

This massage is probably the most popular. After all, at the end of the day in the area of ​​the back, painful sensations often arise.

  1. So, first you need to prepare. Lie on a comfortable table, put a pillow under your chest.
  2. Then proceed to stroking. We spend palms in a direction from a waist to shovels along a backbone. You can do this six to seven times.
  3. Then start kneading. To do this, it is necessary to hold the bones of the fingers, grasping the sections of the back and stretching them. It must be done four times.
  4. Then we proceed to sawing. The ribs of the palms need to make movements that look like sawing. First you have to do on one side of the back, and then on the other. The reception must be done three times.
  5. Now let's do the rolling. It is necessary to seize the site of the loin tissue from one side and, fingering, to roll up. And then repeat the other side. Repeat five to seven times.
  6. Then you need to rub your back.
  7. We pass to the pats. It is necessary to relax a little the hands and knock on the back with the palms. Repeat two times.
  8. Then, on one side of the spine, you need to do two movements with your hands, as if you are kneading dough. You also need to do the other side of the back. Repeat five times.
  9. And finish the back massage stroking.

More about the back massage you can read in the article How to properly do a back massage.

Foot massage

We are always on our feet, we have a lot of things to do and we have to catch everything. Naturally, by the evening feet begin to ache and hurt. But you can correct the situation and do a relaxing foot massage.

  1. You need to start with a foot massage. One hand should take a foot for the arch, and the other hand rub it. Then you can add knuckles to your fingers.
  2. When the foot warms up, you have to massage each finger, rolling the skin.
  3. Next, in the foot, you should move in a circular motion with your thumb. You can press hard if there is no pain.
  4. Then it is necessary to pass to the Achilles tendon zone. It is necessary to massage his thumb up and down.
  5. Then also massage the area of ​​the foot bone.
  6. Next, you have to massage the foot from the foot to the knee, and from the knee to the hips.
  7. When performing foot massage in this area, stroking, rubbing, shaking and shaking, and rubbing and kneading are used.
  8. End the massage by kneading in the thighs and buttocks.
  9. It is necessary to grind and stretch them.
  10. Then add tingling over the entire surface.
  11. And at the end of the massage you need to do stroking.

About a relaxing massage you can read in the article How to do a relaxing massage.

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