A woman is a unique being in herorganism. At every age, the female body has its own characteristics, it functions in its own way, and therefore, requires for its activity various vitamins. What vitamins are recommended for women at different ages? After all, even the body itself signals about changes and about what kind of food it requires. But, if some women listen to the "voice" of their body, for the majority it remains unnoticed. In addition, some women follow the traditional direction in dietology, which claims that vitamins should be consumed exclusively from food, but vitamin complexes are necessary only when a woman's body is too weak.

Given that recently, the environmentalthe environment of the world around us is too critical, and at the same time, a woman must solve more and more problems, then without vitamin complexes it is impossible to be healthy and look beautiful in either 30 years, 40 or 50. Especially these complexes will be useful in off-season, when the body is weakened, and the vitamin in the foods we consume becomes less and less.

Vitamins for women under 30 years old

So, we figured out that at every age,a woman needs different vitamins for normal functioning. Despite the fact that women under 30 years, are still considered young to complain about any health problems, medical statistics are inexorable. It is up to 30 years, most women have time to give birth to a child, and even not one, but several. As you know, pregnancy affects the female body too much, because being pregnant, a woman gives all the best to her fetus, including vitamins and minerals that she consumes with food. The best vitamins for women in this period of life are folic acid and vitamin E, vitamin C and vitamin B12.

  • Folic acid is involved in almost allprocesses of the body, including in the structure of the nervous system of the fetus during its intrauterine development. Therefore, doctors recommend the use of folic acid on the eve of conception of the child. Vitamin B9 (folic acid) is found in the liver, including cod, in green leaves, in fruits and vegetables, in meat and other foods. However, this vitamin is very quickly destroyed, so it is recommended to consume greens, fruits and vegetables in raw form. For an adult, the average daily vitamin B9 is 200 μg per day, but pregnant women need to consume folic acid 400 μg per day. This vitamin is found in all vitamin complexes for pregnant women - in Materna and Elevit, in Vitrum Prenatal and Vitrum Prenatal forte, in Elevet and Multi-Tabs perinatal, in Prednavat. There are also special preparations that contain exclusively vitamin B9, but they are prescribed by the doctor with a clear deficit of this vitamin.
  • Vitamin E promotes successful conception andbearing a child, it helps to preserve youth, prevents the appearance of premature wrinkles. Vitamin E is found in olive oil and avocado, liver and milk, nuts, eggs and other natural products. This vitamin is considered the most feminine, and therefore, in vitamins for women after 30 years, it also enters. Insufficiency of vitamin E causes fatigue, dystrophy of the heart muscle, mood swings. It is found in multivitamin complexes for pregnant women, as well as in Undevite, in Komplivite and others.
  • Vitamin C is essential for women of any age,because thanks to him there is a synthesis of hormones of the adrenal cortex, he is able to reduce the negative impact of stress on the body. Vitamin C is found in greenery, kiwi and lime, in vegetables and fruits, but is recommended in November and February. Any vitamin complex for women contains vitamin C, and at the same time, it is sold in pharmacies in pure form.
  • For women who lead an active lifestyle,it is very important to consume all vitamins of group B, including B12. This vitamin is found in meat and pork liver, in fish. When using vitamin B12, you need to know that the maximum effect it gives, if used in combination with vitamin C. Therefore, in vitamins for older women, B12 is also included in vitamins for women of young age.

Vitamins for women from 30-40 years old and above

After 30 years, a woman notices that her bodybegins to age - there are first signs of skin aging, which must be reduced to a minimum. How to do it? Of course, you need to use the right vitamins, such as vitamin A and vitamin B, which is contained in spinach and nuts, in other foods. Vitamins, a woman of 40 years of age, in particular, vitamin A, should be consumed as prescribed by the doctor. Increase its content in the body at the expense of food can be through fatty fish, chicken or veal liver, chicken yolks and butter. It is found in carrots and bell peppers, but with the use of these products you need to add a little vegetable oil.

In the vitamins for women 50 years of age arethe above-mentioned vitamins A, B, C, D and E. They prevent the postponing of cholesterol. It is extremely important that vitamins for women of 45 years included folic acid, which helps improve the hormonal background of a woman. By the way, at this age is very useful soy - it contains phytoestrogens, which have a beneficial effect on a woman during menopause. It is recommended to use selenium minerals at any age, as it prevents the development of cancer cells.

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