In this article we will talk about various vitaminsand tell you what vitamins - for hair growth, what - for muscle growth, etc. Let's start with hair, since the problem of hair loss and lack of growth, probably worries many.

What vitamins promote hair growth

  • First of all it is vitamin E. Most of this vitamin is found in fish - or rather, in some of its species. This is a fish such as herring, cod, halibut. Also, a lot of vitamin E in milk, egg yolks, butter, rye flour products and fruits: peaches, apricots and cherries.
  • On the second place in importance for hair growthVitamin B is found in pork, hazelnut, broccoli, wheat bran, brewer's yeast, rice, and fruits: pears, grapes, peaches, oranges, mandarins, and pomegranates. These fruits have all the vitamins of group B, and in garnets there is a rare vitamin - B12, which will have a beneficial effect not only on the hair, but also on the hematopoietic function of the body.

Also, here are those products thatmost favorably affect the growth of hair and stop their loss. From dairy products it is sour cream, fermented baked milk, yogurt and cottage cheese. Of meat products - turkey, beef and chicken. Also very useful fish. The rest of the products are macaroni (from hard wheat varieties), raw eggs, tea, walnuts, black currant and rose hips.

What vitamins are needed for muscle growth

  • The main vitamin for muscle growth is vitamin B2(riboflavin and pyridoxine). It is found in large quantities in eggs, oatmeal, buckwheat, liver, potato, cottage cheese, cabbage and brewer's yeast. Of the fruits, the content of vitamin B2 is dominated by rose hips, apricots and dried fruits, in which it contains the most.
  • The second most important vitamin for muscle growth -also vitamin B-B12. It is found in the largest quantities in beef, poultry, fish and seafood, eggs and cottage cheese. Of fruits, the highest content of B12 in garnet, but in many other fruits either it simply does not exist, or it is present in them in microscopic doses. Those who want to build muscle mass are useful to know that the assimilation of vitamin B12 is badly affected by products made from flour of the highest grade. In addition to the growth of muscle mass, this vitamin has a good effect on energy metabolism.

What vitamins to drink for the growth of bones and for strengthening the body

  • It is known that vitamin B12, described above, has a very beneficial effect on the growth of bones. Only the best, if it is in fish oil - so it is absorbed almost completely.
  • Also useful for growth of bones is vitamin A - it also improves eyesight and complexion.

In general, for full growth and strengtheningthe organism of some vitamins is not enough. We need a whole complex of minerals, and here a competent recommendation can only be given by a specialist, based on the general physical condition of a person.

Well, we told you what vitamins forgrowth of muscles, hair, bones. General recommendations are usually reduced to a balanced diet. Therefore, include in your diet and fruits and vegetables, meat and dairy products, and fish, and (necessarily!) Cereal products in the form of various cereals. Be healthy!

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