Nutrition issues for the vast majority of womenat some point become key. What is there to not get fat; what is there to lose weight; what is there to stay young and so on. But this issue is especially important in a special category of women - young mothers. What you can eat after giving birth? It is no accident that it worries a woman, because now she feeds not only herself, but her baby. Often the opinions of specialists differ in the fact that you can eat a nursing mother after giving birth. We will outline the general points, the most important rules for feeding a nursing mother.

What is after the birth: the rules

Before we talk about the allowed inpostpartum period products, we will stipulate the following. It is clear that a woman who gained weight during labor (which is considered the norm), wants to quickly get rid of these kilograms. But doctors do not just recommend, but strongly demand not to sit on a strict diet for 6 weeks (minimum) after childbirth. Your body has experienced stress, and now he needs the strength to recover. Plus, you need more strength than for one, because you still need to feed the baby.

Calculated the average number of calories,necessary daily for a woman to maintain a tonus and feed the baby. This figure is about 2700 kcal. If the number of calories decreases, then lactation is significantly reduced. So there is a mother after the birth is necessary correctly and enough.

Unbalanced and malnutritionleads to a breakdown in metabolism. As a result, you do not get the proper energy and can not give it to the child. In addition, you will also have difficulty in restoring your form further. So proper nutrition is the guarantee of your present and future health and beauty. In the diet should be and proteins, and fats, and carbohydrates, the main thing - the right, about what further.

All the cooking processes must be reduced tocooking, steaming or baking. No smoked and fried foods. Is there a steamer? No problem! Place the pot on the stove, put a colander in it so that it does not touch the water in the pan. As soon as the water boils, put the colander in a colander. Periodically mix them. Meat and fish cook in this way is not recommended, because they must necessarily be well processed. They are best baked or boiled. Steam it better in the steamer.

Always pay attention to the condition of the childafter feeding, evaluate what you ate and how the child reacted. This will be an indicator of what you can eat after giving birth. Changing the stool in a child, rash, bloating, etc. will be a signal to you that you need to change something in the diet, that something that was eaten before feeding did not fit. Unfortunately, it can be checked only in a practical way, by a trial method, so to speak. To say unequivocally what is possible and what is not, it is impossible.

What to eat after giving birth: products

Kashi. And here there is a clarification. Yes, we said that there is a high-calorie diet after the birth, but this does not mean that you need to get hooked on rolls, mushrooms with oil on milk, flavored with a "good" portion of sugar. To restore and maintain metabolism, porridge should be prepared on water, without salt and sugar. It is this option that will not cause fermentation in the intestine, will not fill the body with excess fat (you want to return your elegant forms). Choose oatmeal. Soak it in water for the night, and in the morning you can warm up a little on the stove and eat. Brown rice will also be an excellent carbohydrate meal, which is so necessary for normal lactation.

Soups. In the first weeks it is better not to add cabbage to soups. Better vegetable soups, you can on low-fat broth (chicken, rabbit). It is also advisable not to salt them.

Vegetables. Cook, bake, cook for a couple. It is very useful to eat a nursing mother after giving birth to beets, because she improves lactation. Vegetables can be included in all meals. Useful broccoli, spinach and other leafy vegetables are a storehouse of vitamins A, C, iron, calcium, they have many antioxidants.

Meat and fish must be present inthe ration of a nursing woman. As for fish, it is good to choose marine fish varieties (salmon, mackerel, tuna, trout, etc.). Sea fish are fat enough, but these are the useful polyunsaturated fatty acids that are so necessary for a balanced feeding of the nursing mother. These acids are necessary for the normal development of the child's nervous system. In mother's milk there is already a certain amount of these fatty acids, but in the milk of women who consume sea fish, these substances are much larger. The use of fish and the fact that the beneficial trace elements in its composition help the nursing mother avoid postpartum depression, maintain the mood at altitude. Meat should be lean: low-fat beef (contains iron and vitamin B12); chicken breast. Most of the protein is digested with rabbit meat, so be sure to include meat in the diet. Alternate meat and fish days, but let each day be one dish with one or the other (for example, for lunch). Iron and protein, contained in meat and fish, will help maintain tone, give strength, will contribute to the rapid recovery of the female body and the formation of immunity to the baby.

Fruit. More You can read what fruits can be pregnant on our website. In general, let's say that fruits must be included in the diet. But do not get involved in citrus and exotic fruits (to avoid allergic reactions of the child). Do not lean on bananas and grapes if your goal is not to gain weight. You can eat them, but a little if you really want. Peaches, apricots, apples are useful. With apples and pears it is better to peel the skin, so as not to cause problems with digestion in the baby, and you. In general, follow again the same rule 5 (look at the reaction of the child).

Dairy. Let it be low-fat milk, cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, yoghurt. However, it is better to include them in the diet for a week or two after delivery. Dairy products are a source of calcium, proteins, necessary for the formation of the child's bone system.

What you can not eat after childbirth

Earlier we already noted that it is impossible to say clearly what you can eat after childbirth, and what not. We will give general information on what to use is not recommended.

  1. Alcohol, carbonated drinks (lemonades, water, etc.).
  2. Fried, smoked.
  3. Sausages, sausages and other semi-finished products(dumplings, canned food, etc.). Do not buy ready-made cutlets in packages, better buy a piece of meat, scroll in a meat grinder and make steam cutlets of your own preparation. All semi-finished products slag the body, and you want to be a super-beautiful mom, why do you need extra calories without a gram of benefit?
  4. Chips, croutons and other fast food (hamburgers, etc.). All this - fat deposits, which will not benefit you or the baby.
  5. Mayonnaise. The reasons for its undesirable use are higher.
  6. Baking. Any pies, buns, cakes, cakes, rolls, etc. Causes flatulence, a negative effect on digestion and metabolism. And, of course, these are simple carbohydrates, which sharply increase sugar in the blood and are transformed in the body into fats that are deposited under the skin (what we see from the outside) and on internal organs (which we do not see and which is very dangerous).
  7. In the first couple of weeks, do not eat rawvegetables and fruits. The digestive system of the baby is not yet perfect, it can not cope with such heavy enzymes, so that there are no raw vegetables after motherbirth (especially cabbage).

So, what do we see? Feeding the child determines the choice of foods to feed the mother. To understand what is after childbirth, it is possible by the reaction of the child. Introduce new products gradually and separately to understand what the baby reacted to. Seeing some unwanted reactions, you will understand yourself that you can not eat after giving birth to you.

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