The question is, can I train every day,arises in those people who only recently turned their attention to their physical training. Such beginners begin intensive classes, giving them a maximum of free time - and as a result literally roll themselves off after a week, wondering why professional athletes can be trained every day without "dying" at the same time. It's because they are professionals, and they are busy with workloads for many years.

Medical justification of limitations

We'll figure it out for a start, why people in generalare engaged in fitness, bodybuilding and other sports "for the soul." There are two reasons: either they lose weight, or they restore the figure lost without sport. In the first case, the question, whether it is possible to deal with every day, should not arise at all. With excess weight, the heart is already working on wear and tear, supporting unnecessary kilograms. Excessive load can well lead to a heart attack, and to a hypertensive crisis.

In the second case it is worth remembering that your muscleshave long forgotten what regular loads are. They will have to re-feel all the delights of what athletes call a kerpa - formation in the muscle tissue of lactic acid, which causes sharp and sharp pain. And if you persistently ignore these signals, you risk falling out of the very opportunity to train for a long time.

The notion of "overtraining"

However, even if you are already in the regularclasses and go to them for three months, do not sharply increase their number. Any competent coach will explain that all groups of muscles need rest very much. It is during rest that the muscles are added in mass and lose fatty layers.

If the muscles do not give rest,called overtraining. And it will overtake not only the muscles - it will affect the nervous system, as a result of which there will come apathy, and even depression. In this state, you will not worry anymore, whether you can do it every day, it will be more urgent to put your psyche in order.

The minimum period of rehabilitation

For all people who are far from sports andThey occupied it recently, the time interval between trainings should not be shorter than 24 hours. During this time, all systems will come back to normal and there will be strength for a new occupation. And this applies to those who did not deal with weighting.

When applying a large load (so to speak, when"Iron pulling"), this period should be increased, often up to three days. The same rule applies to those who trained large muscles - back and legs. They restore longer than small ones.

Reasonable training schedule

The most competent it will be for you the instructoron fitness or bodybuilding. He will be able to soberly assess your development, physical preparation and potential. However, if you are doing yourself or think you are capable of more, stick to the following rules.

  1. Training more than three a week for yourself do not appoint, and taking into account those that are conducted in the club.
  2. Leave at least a day to recover; if you load your back and legs - at least two, and listen to your condition.
  3. If you are over forty or have had problems with pressure and heart - control both.
  4. Want to increase the frequency of classes - sign up for a quality sports masseur, which will help you not to bring yourself to overtraining and to remove the consequences of unnecessary loads.
  5. If you achieve the ideal shape of your body,distribute by the day loads on different muscle groups. Remember that small ones can be trained more often, because they are more quickly rehabilitated. For example, once a week, pay attention to the back, in the next lesson, work with hands and feet (equally), and in the third - legs and shoulders. So the large musculature in the back and legs will be loaded evenly. In parallel, you can take the work of the abdominal muscles. With a versatile load, they themselves will find the coveted "cubes".

Read more about this in our article. Can I swing every day?

With sufficient persistence and inexhaustibleenthusiasm after a year of training you will learn to feel your body and approaching the limits of its capabilities. Then you can already think whether you can train every day without compromising on health.

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