The question of what an invasion is, one can not answer unequivocally. The literal translation from Latin of the word invasio denotes attack, invasion. Similarly, the word is used in the Russian language.

What is invasion in medicine?

This term is most commonly used by doctors. They even have several meanings, what is an invasion:

  • infection of a person or animal with parasites. Particular manifestations of such an invasion are described in the article Why are the eyes itchy;
  • diseases caused by parasitic "colonization" or arising in connection with the transport of pathogens into the body by undesirable "neighbors";
  • mechanism of metastasis: separation and spreading of cancer cells;
  • the term "invasion" is also used in psychology. By it is meant the twilight state in which the unconscious prevails over consciousness.

Biological meaning of the term

Botany and zoologists called the invasionspontaneous settlement of plants and animals in areas where they were not previously observed. An obligatory condition is that a person in this process should not participate, that is, the importation, say, of rabbits to Australia or agricultural crops of new cereals, is not considered as invasion.

What is the invasion of chemistry

In this science, invasion is the penetration (dissolution) of a gas into any liquid. Opposite to him is the flow of liquid into the gas; this process is called an evasion.

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