Science knows a very large number ofdifferent parasites, and it also gives the name of diseases caused by infection with them. These terms are known, perhaps, only by doctors, to ordinary people and it is not known, for example, what is opisthorchiasis. In most areas of our country, such an infestation is quite rare: it is caused by flat worms, called flukes.

It is noteworthy that unlike the more well-knownhelminths, these flukes are not settled in the intestine or stomach, but in the bile ducts leading to the liver, as well as in the ducts of the pancreas and, finally, in the gallbladder.

Causes and signs of infection

Intermediate carriers are two-sidedmollusks, and then fish. Therefore, even in the regions far from the seas and oceans, and even in the absence of tradition, low-salinity food, practically raw fish, what is opisthorchiasis, even doctors forget. While the indigenous inhabitants of the far north are almost completely overwhelmed by them.

Strongly expressed symptoms of the disease are virtually absent - the infection appears very flattened. However, it is worth turning to the doctor with a combination of such signals from the body:

  • a tunic under the right rib;
  • under the "spoon" pulls and burns;
  • from fatty foods it becomes bad - right up to vomiting;
  • appetite is absent or greatly weakened;
  • without apparent cause, nausea;
  • you quickly get tired.

Treatment of opisthorchiasis

"Parasites" are expelled exclusively under the medicalobservation, as a whole complex of actions is required to eliminate the allergy caused by the invasion, fight inflammations arising from infection, restore the full functioning of all weakened organs and strengthen immunity, undermined by parasitic intrusion. Treatment is long; even after the liberation of the body from spiders, monitoring the condition of a person and fixing treatment lasts no less than two weeks.

More about health and illnesses, see Health.

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