Any loving owner must be worried,finding that his dog does not eat or drink. The reasons for this may be a lot to come to the right answer, you should observe the pet, and if necessary, take action.

The dog got sick

The cause of sudden loss of appetite in dogs canserve a number of different viral and bacterial infections. As a rule, in addition to lack of appetite, the animal will have a fever. In addition, he will have a depressed state, lethargy and apathy, less often diarrhea and vomiting. Also, a fairly common reason for the loss of interest of the dog to food are digestive system diseases and digestive disorders. In this case, together with the lack of appetite, vomiting, tenderness in the epigastric region, and upset of the stool are often noted. Often the reason that a dog eats a little, there may be diseases of the oral cavity. Bleeding and inflamed gums, diseased or damaged teeth, tartar are very common phenomena, due to which the pet refuses food. In this case, you should examine the oral cavity of the dog, and if she has problems, then urgently need to take her to the vet, that he appointed and appropriate treatment. Often the dog does not eat, as it has a worm infestation, it is accompanied by vomiting, frequent loose stool and increased pet fatigue. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to hand over all the tests and drink the pills prescribed by the veterinarian.

Injuries and stressful situations

Injuries can also causeappetite. Damage to internal organs, concussion due to a fall or stroke. All this requires urgent professional help. A strong emotional shock and stressful situation are another reason why an animal does not eat well. And the most vulnerable to stress are the pets of decorative rocks. They often lose their appetite after a change in the situation, the owner or the sudden attack of more aggressive individuals.

Improper diet

Often the owners are puzzled, why does not the dog eat? And the reason may lie in the fact that they did not correctly calculate the amount of food, and she's just not hungry. Also, if the dog is spoiled, she often refuses to eat, waiting for the best piece. In this case, it should not be persuaded and fed from the hand, it is better to simply remove the food and expose it in the evening. Also, do not compensate for the lack of appetite for lunch, abundant feeding in the evening, you need to give a normal serving, otherwise the story will repeat the next day.

Sometimes a dog refuses to eat, because itnot fresh and can harm her. Also, if you feed your four-footed friend with monotonous food, then he may bother him, and he will give it up. Therefore, you should constantly change the diet of your dog, as a rule, with a variety of food the dog rarely refuses to eat, and eats the whole portion with great pleasure.

Now you know why a dog does not eat well andwhat reasons she can refuse food at all, and you will be able to take measures in time to make her appetite come back as soon as possible, for which she will be very grateful to you.

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