First of all, the word "drama" is associated withliterary art. If you are interested in what a drama is, you should consider this concept as a literary work, the plot of which is built on real events from the life of a particular hero. Drama is the genus of literature and the genre of dramatic art.

Drama in literature

Modern fiction is differentthe presence of many genres. In some works, genres are closely intertwined, for example, drama elements are often used in the drama, but such works also have the right to life, as well as purely dramatic ones. If you identify the tragedy or comedy, like the genres of fiction is simple, then the drama is much more difficult. In modern literature, melodramas have firmly taken their positions - a genre in which the private lives of individual heroes are described in vivid emotional circumstances.

What is drama in literature? Drama took its special place in literature, cinema and theatrical art, as it shows the real life of a person, with his feelings and experiences, without any embellishments or allegories. Drama is a very complex literary genre that is rich in events, and at the same time, this genre is considered one of the most interesting for the reader and viewer. Drama, despite the complexity of the fate of the characters and the complexity of the plot, can end well.

The main signs of drama:

  • conflict or event is the basis of the plot;
  • absence of narrative (dialogue and monologues of heroes play a primary role);
  • transience of the plot;
  • when reading the drama, it seems that the author does not have this work;
  • small volume of work.

In Russia, the first works in the genre of household drama were "The Inspector General" and "Woe from Wit" by Gogol. A great contribution to the development of the drama was made by Ostrovsky - after his works the drama gained serious ground.

Drama in music and cinema

If it is necessary to consider what a drama is,the definition of this genre is maximally revealed in the film industry. The audience was always attracted to films shot on military dramatic and dramatic subjects. In the movie, the specifics and signs of the drama are the same as in the literature.

Musical dramatic works(Musicdrama) first appeared in 1833, thanks to the German T. Mundt, who designated the opera as "drama". In a dramatic musical work, music fully reflects the action of artists on the stage, it conveys the whole gamut of experiences and drama of the main characters of the work.

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