Considering the question of what a genre is,should pay attention to the fact that this concept is mainly used in art. There are literary and pictorial, theatrical and journalistic, music and other genres. With the advent of computer games, they also began to classify by genre. The genre is of French origin, in translation means "genus".

Under the genre,essential properties and phenomena in the world of art, the unity of the content and formal features of the work. According to certain characteristics of the work, it is attributed to a particular genre, for example, it can be a story, an ode (literature), a comedy, a drama (cinema), a vaudeville, a rock opera, a pantomime (theater), a portrait, a landscape, a still- , action, shooter-shooter (computer games), etc.

What is the genre in the literature?

Literary genre characterizes the groupliterary works, which are united by a combination of not only formal features, but also content properties. In order to understand what a genre is in literature, one must first become acquainted with the concepts of "gender" and "species" in literature.

Very often the genre in literature is identified withkind of literature, but these are different concepts. The genus of fiction is a broader concept, each of the kinds of literature includes several genres. In total, three kinds of literature are distinguished: epic (story about events), drama (depicting events on stage), lyrics (experiences of events, images of feelings). So, it turns out that each of the kinds of literature includes certain genres. To the epic most often (but not always) belong prosaic genres, for example, a novel, a story, a story. The drama includes theater genres, for example, comedy, tragedy. Dramatic works are most often written in the form of plays. The lyrics include works of poetry, for example, elegy, song, ode.

But there is another definition of genres in literature. Some scholars distinguish the kinds of literature, its types and genres, that is, three concepts, not two. The view in this case occupies an intermediate position between genus and genus. Example: drama (genus) - comedy (kind) - comedy of positions (genre). In this theory, the genre acquires a narrower and more concrete meaning. However, the school adhere to a simpler theory, where only genera and genres of literature are distinguished. To help you understand, we will list the genres of different kinds.

  • Epos - novel, novel, short story, story, fable, ballad, myth, fairy tale, poem, epic, thought, legend, legend, ballad, parable, small genres (proverbs, sayings, riddles, etc.), etc. .
  • Drama - tragedy, comedy, drama, farce, vaudeville, tragifars, rite, play, folk drama, den, raka, etc.
  • Lyrics - elegy, ode, anthem, sonnet, romance, message, madrigal, epigram, song, rondo, etc.
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