Often in schools and universities are asked to writereviews of someone's specific work, books, works, etc. But not everyone understands the concept of review, and write a good review, not knowing what it is, extremely difficult. So let's find out what a review is.

A review from Latin "recentio" meansmessage, rating, review, review. The meaning of the root of this word has been preserved to this day. The review is a genre of art criticism and journalism, which provides for a brief analysis of a particular subject and its reasonable assessment.

A person who writes a review, for example, on a book oron scientific work, presents in his review an analysis of the subject matter, reveals and indicates weaknesses and strengths, and in the end summarizes all that has been said and expresses his personal opinion.

Review - a genre of small and medium size. The subject of writing reviews often are works of science, art and journalism. When creating a review, the author pursues several goals:

  1. The acquaintance of the reader with his view;
  2. Forming the reader a certain aesthetic representation;
  3. Assistance in the development of an assessment of the problem or object being studied.

The review provides for the following:

  1. Perception is the direct acquaintance with the object under study.
  2. Reflections on read, heard or seen.
  3. Analysis of the subject.
  4. Writing text.

Now you know what a review is, and you can easily write it yourself.

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