It is difficult to answer the question: "How old is the Earth?". On this account, there are different opinions, different theories. And each of them has the right to exist. Let's look at them. After that, everyone can make some conclusions for themselves.

Theories about the age of the Earth

The first theory is that the Earth was formedtogether with all the planets of the solar system (this can be read on our website in the article "How did the Earth form?"). This theory is advanced by evolutionists (people studying the evolution of the Earth), according to which our planet is about 4.5 billion years old. theories use the age of archaeological finds extracted from the earth, as determined by the radiocarbon method, which is currently considered to be the most accurate, although it has already been proven that this method has a sufficiently large error.The second method of dating is geologically It is based on the fact that it takes a very long time to form minerals in the bowels of the earth, whether it is 100% true or not.

The second theory belongs to creationists (people,theologically explaining the being and the creation of the world). If you ask them: "How old is the Earth?". They will reply: "About 10,000 or 6,000 years." What are their conclusions based on? The answer is simple, on the "Bible." Accordingly, many religious communities of the world support them. In support of their theory, creationists lead a lot of arguments:

  • The age of civilizations known to us is no more than 5500 years. If the Earth is more than a million years old, and the age of the ancestors of mankind is more than 100 thousand years, then where are the evidences of their vital activity?
  • the theory of human growth corresponds to the biblical age of the planet;
  • why at the moment did not find a single 100% proof of the theory of evolutionists?
  • radiocarbon and geological dating methods can not be considered correct, since they have a very large error.

As you already understood, all their arguments are based on refuting the evidence of opponents. That is, there are only two theories, and there are many people studying them.

What can be inferred from all of the above? No one knows how many years the planet Earth has known. Which theory is correct is also known, maybe, in time, new methods of research will appear, and with them new theories. So far, everyone chooses for themselves what is closer to him. We'll wait, probably soon something new will be revealed.

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