Before you deal with the topic, how manycontinents on the planet Earth, let's remember what a continent is all about. The continent is a large part of the land that is washed by water from all sides. The question, in fact, is not so simple and obvious as it may seem at first glance. If you look on the Internet, then the views on how many continents on Earth vary significantly. We, answering this question, proceed from the general preparatory course of schools.

Continents of the planet Earth:

  1. Eurasia;
  2. Africa;
  3. South America;
  4. North America;
  5. Antarctica;
  6. Australia.

Here are the six continents that were described in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia.

The ambiguity of this issue is explained by the fact,that, for example, the North and South America, are connected by a narrow Panmian Isthmus. Many believe that due to this, the continent is one - America, which can be divided into two continents - North and South America. It also includes the continents of Eurasia, Africa. The fact is that they are also connected by the Isthmus of the Suez, so many now believe that they make up one continent - Afroevrazia. In addition, the difficulty may be that in some languages ​​the word continent and parts of the world are written in the same way.

If we follow the classical view of such things, then we traditionally distinguish those six continents, which we listed above.

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