Even in the most severe frosts you want to lookstylish and beautiful. But I do not want to be cold either. How to find a way out, if the window is a deep minus, and the legs are best warmed clumsy and boring boots? If you know how to decorate valenki, then there are no problems, because they can be turned into a very fashionable accessory. Usually felt boots are made of monophonic fleece white, gray or black. This is an excellent basis for decoration. Make any pair of felt boots unique is not so difficult, most importantly, to show imagination.

Embroidery of patterns

If you have no idea how you can decorate felt boots, then the easiest way is to make embroidery. To do this you will need:

  • Threads for embroidery
  • Thick Needle
  • Thimble
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Drawing

Embroidery on felt boots is exactly the same asand on the fabric. You will need a thick enough needle to pierce the walls of the shoe. Be sure to use a thimble not to hurt your finger. On felt boots, you can embroider in various ways: smooth, cross, conventional stitches. Any embroidery looks impressive. You can also sew ribbons or make a pattern with beads or glass beads. It will be even more interesting if you combine several techniques.

For embroidery the following types of thread are suitable:

  • Synthetic
  • Cotton
  • Silk
  • Muline

Painting of felt boots

If you do not like the idea of ​​embroidery, and how to decorate boots with your own hands in a different way, you did not come up, then you can paint them with special colors on the wool. For painting felt boots you will need:

  • Paints for wool
  • Circuit
  • Brush
  • Stencil with a picture

First, you need to apply a pattern to the felt boots orattach the stencil. Now you can paint the wool in any colors. Paints can be easily mixed with each other and get any shades. To highlight details, you can circle them with a contrasting color contour from the tube. Because of the nap on the wool is not very easy to draw, but still you can perform fairly complex drawings. After drying the felt boots, you can safely put on the street.

Decoration with applique

The fastest way to give boots an interestingtype - use the applique. This is the best option if you want to learn how to decorate children's felt boots. For the application, you can use a pattern cut from a fabric, or a ready-made embroidery. Supplement the application can be fur, rhinestones and paetkami. You can sew the application both manually and on a typewriter, and some pictures can even be glued. Appliques from cloth and leather are best planted on the glue, as they are difficult to pierce with a needle.

Original ideas for decor

  • Pseudoscumulation: You can sew lacing to the front side of the felt boots. It will not perform its direct function, but it will look very fresh and original. For pseudo-stitching, it is best to choose a contrasting color. Sew a small loop from the braid on both sides of the front of the felt and thread a long piece of braid in them. It can be tied with a bow or cut off short ends.
  • Lace: You can also sew openwork patterns on felt boots. They will have something in common with frosty patterns on the windows and beautifully complement the monophonic surface of the shoes. It is best to sew the lace along the top edge of the felt boots so that the fine threads do not spoil from the snow. Laces of contrasting colors will look best, as the pattern on them will be brighter. Try to choose strong lace so that they do not tear too fast.
  • Pom-poms: On the sides of the felt boots, you can hang small pompoms. They can be colored or monophonic, from yarn or fur. In addition, pompons made from yarn can always be made easily and quickly by yourself. Do not make the threads on which the pompons are attached too long to not cling to anything for walking.
  • Snowflakes: Patterns of snowflakes will be very harmonious to look at felt boots. They can be performed in any technique that you like best. They can be sewed with ribbons, embroidered with beads or painted with a colored outline. Snowflakes from paetoks also look very winter-like.
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