Everybody knows the game "one-to-one" includesthemselves the most popular answers to a variety of cognitive and comic questions. For example, do you know how Santa Claus differs from Santa Claus? Let's look at the most popular answers.

  • Clothes. So, Father Frost has felt boots, and his European-American fellow has boots. Also in the hands of "our" character - a staff. And Santa does not have anything or a bag of presents.
  • Nationality. Santa Claus is an ancient Slavic image that came from the depths of centuries. He was revered by the Gentile Slavs. And Santa Claus (in translation - Saint Nicholas) - from Lapland.
  • The Beard. At the classical grandfather the beard on a belt (in an ideal - up to spots). And Santa has a pretty short beard with a shovel.
  • In the name. Well, it's obvious and clear.
  • The Snow Maiden. Undoubtedly, the most original answer is from all. But really, the granddaughter of the Snow Maiden is a truly Slavic character. She always accompanies the bearded grandfather. It symbolizes frozen water, Russian winter.
  • Growth. Russian grandfather will be higher than overseas.

The various options for answering various questions can be found in the section Game 100 to 1.

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