If you find your child in the hairsome suspicious little insects, and having looked more attentively to them, realized with horror that these are lice, do not immediately faint, panic and lament that lice are a shame for the whole family. To catch lice in our time can easily even a very well-groomed and tidy child from the most prosperous family - for this he only needs to play in the kindergarten with a baby suffering from pediculosis. Infecting lice can be at school, in public transport, in other crowded places - in a word, no one is immune from this scourge. Therefore, having become ill with pediculosis, it is necessary not to be ashamed, but urgently to start to act.

What to do if there are lice: treatment

Our ancestors had a much harder time fighting withlice, than us, because in former times there were no such effective drugs that are now available to dermatologists. Therefore, they had to get rid of lice with the help of simple folk remedies. If for some reason you do not like to use pharmacy products and prefer to treat all diseases with grandmother's herbs, tinctures and other natural medicines, use the following tips.

People's ways of getting rid of lice

The most effective, cheap, fast and absolutelysafe way - shearing. In just ten minutes you can get rid of lice in all their manifestations, from nits to adult individuals. This method has only one drawback - many it seems too radical. It is unlikely that there will be a woman or girl who will agree to him, but boys, and adult men, too, the bald head is not particularly embarrassed, so for them, this method is the best way.

If the haircut nalyso you are strongly not satisfied,You can try combing the lice from the hair with a very frequent comb. This method is also quite effective, but very laborious. In order to completely remove lice from your head, it will take at least a week. During this time it is necessary several times a day very carefully, from the roots to the ends of the strand behind the strand to comb the hair with a thick scallop. The principle of action of the scallop is simple as three copecks - lice in the most banal way get stuck between the teeth. For a better effect, combing your hair is not just a simple scallop, but a special crest from lice that you can buy at a pharmacy. The best crests from lice are the combs of the trade marks "NitFree" and "AntiV". Their long metal teeth are so thick that not only adult lice, but even large nits, get stuck in them.

All elderly people are sure that lice needderive kerosene, because that's how lice were disposed of in the time of their childhood. Kerosene really has a disastrous effect on adult lice, but it also has a number of shortcomings:

  • he has a terrible smell;
  • Hair after application of kerosene on them stick together and is not washed for several weeks;
  • pure kerosene can cause scalp burns.

How to use kerosene to remove lice:

  1. Mix in equal proportions a pure lighting kerosene and vegetable oil. For the convenience of applying this mixture to the hair, add a little shampoo to it.
  2. So that kerosene does not spread over the face and neck and does not get in your eyes, lift all the hair up and just below the hair growth line tie your head with a narrow cotton bandage.
  3. Apply the mixture on your hair, put a plastic bag over your head and wrap it around with a large towel.
  4. After a couple of hours, remove the towel and the package,several times wash your head with shampoo, rinse hair with water, acidified with table vinegar (per liter of water half a cup of vinegar) - the vinegar dissolves the glue well, which nits are attached to the hairs.
  5. For the best effect, comb the hair with a thick comb.

At children deduce lice with more gentle structure: a teaspoon of kerosene, a quarter of a glass of olive oil, a tablespoon of honey. Keep this mixture on the child's hair for no more than an hour.

Ready-made pharmacy products from lice

The most popular pharmacy products for infertilitylice are medical shampoos. On sale you can find such shampoos from lice and nits as "NOC", "Pedilin", "Chigia", "Paranit", "Nix", "Veda" - they all help you get rid of lice in one or two ways . The method of their application is approximately the same: a certain portion of the shampoo is applied to damp hair and foamed, then this foam is kept on the head for the time specified in the instruction and washed off with warm water.

In addition to shampoos, lice can be removed with the help of powerful medications such as Medifox, Nyuda, Pediculene or Para Plus sprays and Hedring lotion.

You may also be interested in these articles:

  • How Lice Look Like
  • How to get rid of nits
  • How to get rid of lice
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