Many play in such a popular game asMinecraft. About what to do with the dragon egg in this game, our article will tell. At the moment, such an egg is a practically useless object, which is also easily destroyed, for example, by the most common pickax. It is best to just save such an egg in some inaccessible and secluded place, because it will definitely come in handy for you in the future, as the developers of this game will certainly come up with what can be done with it in the near future.

Such eggs can be teleported for severalpieces to create a whole series and a warehouse, but their use in building purposes is also impossible. It's worth remembering that for today, such a unit is one of the rarest, of course, if you do not use any third-party modifications. Now you know what to do with the dragon egg in Minecraft! Collect, and then we'll see.

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