The problem of fatty hair bothers a lot of women. Some even wash their heads every day, which only contributes to an even greater development of sebum. What to do and how to deal with this problem? What if the hair quickly fries?

  • Buy shampoos that are designed forgreasy hair and only! Do not forget to change the brands of shampoos, as the body gets used and then the properties of the cosmetic remedy are no longer functioning as in the beginning.
  • Do not strongly rub the shampoo into the scalp,since after this the sebaceous glands begin to act even more strongly. It is also the case with frequent washing of the head. By experience, you can determine how often to wash your head.
  • Do not wash your head with hot water. And for the last rinse it is generally better to make cool water, as it narrows the pores.
  • Try sometimes to give your hair a breather: let them dry naturally. Use a terry towel.
  • Do you think that after dyeing your hair gets fatter? If you do highlights, then yes! And if you dye your hair, it will become completely rough, and this will help them absorb fat more actively.
  • When choosing a comb, give preference to the comb with large rare teeth. Gently touch the head, the comb will absorb fat well.
  • To the bangs do not quickly zhirnela, lightly sprinkle it with varnish, then wait 2 minutes and comb it. In the hairspray, there are resins that absorb fat.
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