For anyone involved in sports (notphysical education), personal progress is important, personal results are improved. In view of intense, debilitating exercises, the body needs additional make-up to recover more quickly and to train more productively. In the role of additional feeding is sports nutrition.

First you need to decide what your goal is -lose weight, gain muscle mass, increase muscle endurance? After all, to achieve different goals there will be different sets of sports nutrition. It should be noted that at present the range of sports is huge, so you need to carefully consider the choice of sports supplements.

Since in most people sports nutrition is associated with huge muscles, we will consider the appropriate set for increasing muscle mass and volume.

The first thing to remember: basic meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) are important, and sportspot is an addition to them, it is not necessary without great need to try to compensate for a set of proteins and carbohydrates with appropriate supplements. Without proper nutrition, you can not achieve impressive results, nor do you have enough rest (full sleep, breaks between training sessions for complete recovery). Accordingly, and the reception of sports supplements should be carried out in "their time".

How to take sports nutrition correctly

  1. Amino acids are the basis of muscles. For effective recovery and growth of muscles in the blood should always be the required concentration of amino acids. As a sports nutrition they are available in the form of tablets, capsules with powder, powder or as a liquid. Liquid is most preferred. It is recommended to take 20 minutes before meals (or during), 20 minutes after training and before bedtime.
  2. Creatine is a nitrogen-containing organic acid. Creatine can be synthesized by the body itself. Admission of creatine as a sports supplement can increase the strength and endurance of muscles, increase muscle mass and muscle mass. It is recommended to take 2-3 times a day for 7-10 grams for 5-7 days (loading phase) and 2-3 times for 5 grams for the next 3-4 weeks (supporting phase), then you need to take a break for a month . Important techniques are the time before training (for half an hour) and immediately after it.
  3. Protein. The required dose of protein is 2-3 g of protein per 1 kg of body. As much protein as possible is better to consume from food of animal origin (chicken, meat, fish). The whole volume is recommended to be divided into 4 receptions: 20-30 minutes before breakfast, 30-40 minutes before training, 20-30 minutes after training and before bedtime.
  4. Gainer is a protein-carbohydrate mixture. It is recommended 3-4 grams of carbohydrates per 1 kg of body. Again, most of the carbohydrates (especially slow ones, for example, cereals) need to be consumed from normal food. Take a portion before training for 40 minutes and 15-20 minutes after it.

From our articles you can find out in more detail how to drink a geyner and how to drink creatine.

If you are going to buy sports for the first timefood, you should not immediately take full portions. Recommended size of the portion indicates the manufacturer on the product packaging, the first month or two is enough for half of the specified volume. The best option is a specialist consultation, since each person is individual and, based on this, you will be offered an optimal set of sports nutrition.

And remember, in order to achieve the desired result, you need to eat properly, train hard and have enough rest.

Other articles on this topic can be found in the section Sports Nutrition.

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