Protein is a protein, a building element foran organism and a necessary component of a diet of any person. People who are actively involved in sports take protein in large quantities, both in natural products and in the form of protein cocktails and mixtures. Protein is necessary for sports nutrition, regardless of the goal: diet, a set of muscle mass, work on the relief. So, how to take protein properly?

Protein in foods

Protein for sports nutrition is always better to take from natural products.

  • Meat, best for the athlete's chicken and duck breasts.
  • Eggs, only proteins without yolks.
  • Fish, best of all salmon and tuna.
  • Milk, a source of calcium and protein.
  • Bean cultures.


  • Daily rate for the athlete at least 1.5-2 grams of protein per kg of weight. On average, one cocktail contains up to 40 grams of protein.
  • Do not try to increase or cutthe daily rate of protein. With an increase in protein is not absorbed by the body, but simply output. The decrease in protein negatively affects the rate of growth of muscle mass and the ability of the body to recover from training.
  • The daily rate should be divided into several receptions. It is best to take in the morning, after training and 2-3 hours before bedtime after dinner.
  • During a sports diet or when building muscle mass, the protein should be taken daily. Regardless of whether there was training or rest.
  • Protein powder should be dissolved in water or milk, in any amount. Do not pour boiling water, as the protein curdles from hot water.
  • For best effect, it is recommended to take protein together with vitamin complexes.
  • Protein is better absorbed by metabolism -acceleration of metabolic processes. Metabolism can be enhanced by adding to the cocktails an extract of green tea, preparations based on caffeine and chitosan. There are contraindications, at first it is better to consult a doctor.

More information about the protein can be found in the article How to Drink Protein.

Useful information for athletes can be found in the section Sports nutrition.

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