In the mode of intensive training before eachbodybuilder someday becomes the issue of taking sports nutrition. This may be due to poor nutrition, a lack of certain nutrients or the need for a rapid recovery of energy.

Protein, creatine or geyner?

In bodybuilding, there are three types of physique:

  • endomorph;
  • mesomorph;
  • ectomorph.

In other words, endomorphs are people who are prone toto completeness, mesomorphs - medium build, and ectomorphs - lean people who have problems with weight gain. As a rule, it is the ectomorphs that stop their choice on taking the geyner, as it allows you to quickly gain muscle mass, perfectly restores energy and does not give fatigue to manifest during training. To determine which product is most suitable for you in the gym, read the article Gainer or protein.

Instructions for the use of the geyner

Take mass gainer should be according to clearinstructions instructor, because on the basis of your physical indicators, he can carefully choose the dosage. But if you do it individually, you can see the detailed instructions in the article How to take a geyner or follow the standard pattern of use:

  1. One serving (two full sovochka) should be mixed with 500 ml of water, juice or skim milk. It is recommended to use a blender, but for these purposes, a shaker for mixing by hand;
  2. A portion should be taken twice a day: First - between breakfast and lunch time, the second - before bed or after training. Together with the reception of the geyner it is recommended to increase the amount of water intake per day. From the article With what you can take a geyner you can also find out whether it is permissible to use this sports nutrition with other species.

Those who have serious difficulties with recruitingweight, you should take a super mass gainer. This type of sports nutrition has a lot of carbohydrates and fats, rather than an ordinary geyner, but the portions remain the same, so you should take the super mass gainer according to the scheme described above.

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