Spicy horseradish is an excellent addition to meat andfish dishes. There are several ways to prepare this old Russian seasoning. The classic horseradish recipe is simple enough. Further in the article, we will describe in detail how to make horseradish at home.

How to Make Horseradish: Ingredients

In order to make a house horseradish, you will need:

  • One kilogram of fresh horseradish;
  • 250 ml of water;
  • 125 ml of 6% vinegar or 20 g of citric acid;
  • Salt;
  • Sugar;
  • Small jars;
  • Covers and machine for rolling.

Horseradish preparation instructions

  1. To begin with, thoroughly wash the roots of fresh horseradish under running water. After that, horseradish should be soaked for a day in very cold water, which should be periodically changed.
  2. Roots, after they are wet, shouldproperly cleaned and passed through a meat grinder. Horseradish exudes phytoncides, which irritate the mucous membrane of the nose and eyes, thus causing lachrymation. To avoid unpleasant sensations, it is possible to put a plastic bag on the meat grinder, fixing it with a thread or a rope.
    Nevertheless, from a medical point of viewunpleasant processes caused by horseradish, in fact, are very useful for the body, since the released phytoncides eliminate a huge number of harmful microbes. These substances also help in the fight against the common cold.
  3. When horseradish is passed through a meat grinder, you should bring the water to a boil. After that, the pan should be removed from the heat and dissolved in water sugar and salt, adding citric acid and vinegar.
  4. The resulting substance must be poured into a slurry of ground horseradish, quickly mixed and covered with a lid to avoid the burning effect of the plant.
  5. Pre-prepared jars should be sterilized, then directly in the hot dishes you need to put the horseradish and tighten the lid tightly. Spicy canned horseradish is ready.

More useful tips for making horseradish can be found in our article: How to cook horseradish.

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