Home sausage used to be a festive dish. In peasant farms, it was usually cooked twice a year - at Christmas and at Easter. This, however, is understandable, because in order to cook it, you had to kill the hog. The most famous home-made sausage, of course, is the "Ukrainian fried": that's what we are going to cook now.

How to cook Ukrainian homemade sausage

In this recipe, we will proceed from the fact thatyou already have a pinned mumps on the farmstead, and we will describe the entire cooking cycle of the sausage, starting with the processing of pig intestines, from which the shell of home-made sausage is made. In order to cook Ukrainian sausage at home, you will need primarily lean pork. Do not add any beef to sausage! The real Ukrainian sausage is prepared only from pork. Cooking sausage is best from the scapula, as the ham can be found and another application, for example, pick it and smoke it.


  • pork pulp - five kilograms;
  • fresh bacon - from one to two kilograms, depending on which sausage you like more - fatty or lean;
  • garlic - ten large teeth;
  • black pepper, coarsely ground - to taste;
  • salt large kitchen - twenty-five grams per kilogram of minced meat;
  • Dried marjoram and thyme - they can be added if desired.


Gut treatment

  • Thin pork intestine is cut into four parts, we remove their contents, then we wash the intestines in a bowl with warm water, change the water 5 to 6 times.
  • Further we wash the intestines under the cold flowingwater, then rinse the intestines from the inside. The most convenient way to do this is to try one end of the intestine to pull on the water tap, fix it on it with a string and run the water. Water rushes into the bowel, flows through it like a hose, while washing the remaining mucus on the move.
  • Each washed gut, with the help ofA smooth wooden stick is turned inside out. We lay the gut on the plaque and gently scrape it with the blade of the knife, using its blunt side for this. Do this very carefully, in any case not to cut through the intestine.
  • Now densely sprinkle the intestines with a large salt, grind them and leave for half an hour.
  • Then rinse the intestines again, turn them back, pour a weak solution of table vinegar and hold it for a couple of hours. During this time, the specific odor of the intestines will completely disappear.

On this most unpleasant part of the cooking process of home-made sausage ends. You can begin to prepare sausage stuffing.

Preparation of stuffing

If you want to cook real home-made sausage, do not be lazy. Do not use the meat grinder to speed up and facilitate the process.

  • Cut all the meat with a knife with small cubes with a side about one centimeter.
  • The fat is cut even smaller.
  • Garlic is passed through the press.
  • We put all these ingredients in a large enamel bowl.
  • Add salt there (based on the proportions indicated in the recipe), black pepper rash to taste, if desired, add a few pinch of thyme and marjoram.
  • Some mistresses like to add one or two teaspoons of sugar to the indicated amount of minced meat for a more vivid taste of the finished sausage.
  • Thoroughly mix the stuffing and let it stand for a couple of hours, so that it "ripens."

Homemade sausage stuffing

In order to quickly and accurately fill the intestinesforcemeat you need a meat grinder. Virtually all models of modern electric meat grinders are equipped with a nozzle intended for making sausages. If you have only an old mechanical mincer in your household, you can buy a nozzle for it at the hardware store. It looks like a small watering-can with a wide throat.

  • Take the meat grinder, remove the grate from it, install the nozzle in its place and fix it.
  • Next, we take the gut, we tie one end of it with a thin string, put the free end on the nozzle and collect the whole gut on the nozzle with an accordion.
  • We load minced meat into a meat grinder and begin to fillintestine. As the mince gets, the gut will gradually "move out" from the nozzle. Too tight gut is not stuffed, otherwise it can burst during frying.
  • When the bowel is fully filled, tie its second end, and connect the two ends together.
  • Similarly, fill the remaining intestines.
  • Through the resulting sausage "bagels" we pass a wooden stick and hang the sausage rings on it for a couple of hours to make mince in them and settle.

Now it remains only to fry or boil raw sausage.

How to cook sausage: heat treatment

The classic recipe of Ukrainian sausage prescribes baking it in the oven.

  • We untie the ends of the sausage "bagel" and each sausage is twisted in a spiral and crosswise we sew the resulting ring with a twine.
  • The gut in many places is pierced with a woodentoothpick or steel needle. Doing this is necessary so that air bubbles can go out during the frying, otherwise they can literally rip a thin sausage shell.
  • Next, take a large baking tray, lubricate itsmaltz, put on the sausage rings, and place it in a preheated to one hundred and eighty degrees oven at an average level. Under the sausage rings you can put crossed cherry or plum sprigs so that it does not stick to the baking tray.
  • On the lower level we put another baking sheet into which we pour water. Steam, formed from the boiling of this water, will not allow the sausage to burn and dry out - it will be juicy and moderately toasted.
  • Bake sausage in the oven from sixty toeighty minutes. We check the readiness with a wooden stud. If the sausage has acquired a beautiful golden crust, and from the puncture site absolutely clear juice flows, the sausage is completely ready.
  • We take the pan from the oven and shift the sausage to the dishes.
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