Despite the fact that each of us from childhoodfamiliar with such a berry, as a melon, very few people know how much it is caloric, why it is so loved by cosmetologists and in general, than a melon is useful. But first things first.

Calorie content of melon varies within the limits of 30-38 kcal per 100 g, depending on the variety. It is low calorie content of this melon allows you to arrange sweet days of unloading.

Melon and Vitamins

  • A tender yellow berry contains suchvitamins like C and B9, beta-carotene and essential folic acid. This particular component is especially necessary for women during the period of gestation and during menopause.
  • Folic acid will help anyone who has memory problems to improve it, as well as get rid of depression.
  • The presence of vitamin C will help saturate the body with this important component and strengthen health on the eve of winter cold.
  • Beta-carotene will contribute to the beauty of the skin and hair. It is noted that the inclusion of melons in the period of beach tanning affects the stability and uniformity of tanning distribution.

Melon: useful properties

  • A sweet summer berry has always been valued forability to cheer up and win insomnia, fatigue and irritability. However, only now it has become known that these properties are provided by the enzyme superoxide dismutase, which also participates in the healing process of the body tissues.
  • In the melon pulp, enough silicon is involvedin strengthening the skin, tissues, nerves and hair. A significant stock of iron in melons, allows you to prevent anemia. Benefits of berries in cardiovascular diseases are due to the presence of potassium and magnesium.
  • Since ancient times, melon seeds have been consideredthe strongest aphrodisiac: they ate raw or with honey. But, most often the seeds were simply chewed, since eating more than 2 g of seeds can cause malfunction in the work of the spleen.
  • It is very desirable to include melon in the diet for urine and cholelithiasis.
  • But nevertheless, one of the main advantages of a melon is a huge supply of fiber. Modern medicine recommends a melon, both for cleansing the intestine, and for the entire body.
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