Persimmon is a low-calorie and useful product with a lot of useful properties. Let's see how many calories in a persimmon and how useful it is.

Persimmon contains 53 calories per 100 grams.

Proteins - 0.5 g, fats - 0 g, carbohydrates - 17 g.

Usually persimmon is used in raw form, however, it is also an excellent additive to salads, pastries, ice cream. In many countries like dried persimmon.

Useful properties of persimmons

The main value of persimmon is its toning properties, due to which it raises the working capacity of a person. In addition, the persimmon improves appetite and leads to a proper state of the human nervous system.

Persimmon is recommended for use by patients with atherosclerosis, as well as people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. This fruit contains many antioxidants.

Also, persimmon is useful in kidney diseases, it has bactericidal actions, which is good for the work of the intestines.

For more information on how a persimmon is useful, see the article Why is persimmons useful?

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